Purpose Use this report to print forms required by the Employee Insurance Agency(UWV) and the Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitoring Body(Arbodienst) in relation to notifications of sickness and recovery. Thefollowing notifications can be printed using this report: For the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV):>
- Notification of Sickness in Relation to Sickness Benefits Act (ZW)
Benefit Application
- Notification of Sickness Before 42nd Week
- Notification of Full Recovery After Notification of Sickness in Relation
to Sickness Benefits Act Benefit Application
- Notification of Partial Return to Work and Other Changes by the Employer
After Notification of Sickness in Relation to Sickness Benefits ActBenefit Application or After Maternity Benefit (WAZO) Application
- Notification of Full Recovery Employee After Notification of Sickness
Before 42nd Week For the Labor Conditions and Absenteeism Monitoring Body(Arbodienst):>
- Notification of Absence
- Notification of Recovery
By default, the notifications provided by SAP are available. If desired,you can also create your own versions of the notifications. The notifications have been created in SAPscript and can be seen assample forms. The layout can vary, depending on the printer type andbrand. This report includes nearly all data required by the authorities for thevarious notifications. Some data is not recorded in SAP and must bemanually recorded. For more information about this manually requireddata and, see SAP Service Marketplace at http://service.sap.com/hrnl.Prerequisites A prerequisite for all notifications is that you must have completed allrequired customizing activities in Notifications of Sickness andRecovery (New Version)>. Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) Forms> The UWV form Notification of Sickness in Relation to SicknessBenefits Act (ZW) Benefit Application> is printed if the followingprerequisites are met:
- The Request Benefit SBA> checkbox has been selected in the
selection area of the UWV >tab.
- The start date of the sickness record is within the selection period or
is a contiguous or related sickness record (28 days or less), for whichno notification has been sent.
- The status of the sickness record is either: 1 - Notification of
Sickness created, >A - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent ,> or B - Arbodienst Notification Full Recovery sent>.
- The person concerned is a welfare claimant, in accordance with the
Wage Return> (0808>) infotype. The new status is dependent on the old status: 1,,->,,C UWV Notification of Sickness sent A,,->,,G Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWVNotification of Sickness sent B,,->,,K Arbodienst Full Recovery & UWV Notification ofSickness sent The UWV form Notification of Sickness Before 42nd Week> is printedif the following prerequisites are met:
- The Long Term Sickness> checkbox has been selected in the
selection area of the UWV >tab.
- The start date of the sickness record is within the selection period or
is a contiguous or related sickness record (28 days or less), for whichno notification has been sent yet.
- The status of the sickness record is either: 1 - Notification of
Sickness created,> A - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent ,> or B - Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery sent>.
- The person concerned is not a welfare claimant, in accordance with the
Wage Return> (0808>) infotype. The illness concerned has,according to the selection period, lasted more than 42 weeks (dependingon whether or not the employer is own risk bearer (according to tableT5N14), a period of 42 weeks respectively is applied).
- According to the selected date, the illness has lasted more than 42
weeks (for normal companies and own risk bearers respectively). The new status is dependent on the old status: 1,,->,,E,,UWV Long Term Sickness Notification sent A,,->,,I,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Long TermSickness Notification sent B,,->,,M,,Arbodienst Full Recovery & UWV Long Term SicknessNotification sent The UWV form Notification of Full Recovery After Notification ofSickness in Relation to Sickness Benefits Act Benefit Application> isprinted if the following prerequisites are met:
- The Fully after Sickness Benefit Act> checkbox has been selected
in the selection area of the UWV >tab.
- The end date of the sickness record is within the selection period and
is not equal to the high-date (31-12-9999).
- The person concerned is a welfare claimant, according to the Wage
Return> (0808>) infotype.
- The status of the sickness record is either: C - UWV Notification of
Sickness sent,> G - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness &UWV Notification of Sickness sent,> or K - Arbodienst FullRecovery & UWV Notification of Sickness sent.> The new status is dependent on the old status: C,,->,,D,,UWV Full Recovery sent G,,->,,H,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWVNotification of Full Recovery sent K,,->,,L,,Arbodienst Full Recovery & UWV Full Recovery sent The UWV form Notification of Partial Return to Work and OtherChanges by the Employer> is printed if the following prerequisites aremet:
- The Partial Work Resumption> checkbox has been selected in the
selection area of the UWV >tab.
- The start date of the sickness record is within the selection period, or
is a contiguous or related sickness record (28 days or less), for whichno notification has been sent yet.
- The status of the sickness record is either: C -UWV Notification of
Sickness sent,> G - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent uwv notification of sickness sent,> or k - arbodienst fullRecovery sent & UWV Notification of Sickness sent.>
- The work capacity percentage deviates from the value in the contiguous
sickness record.
- The person concerned is not a welfare claimant, in accordance with
infotype Wage Return> (0808>). The status will not bechanged, however the previous sickness record will either be given thestatus Q - Continuation Sickness Record present & UWV Modif.WI% sent> or R - Continuation Sickness Record present &Arbodienst & UWV Modif. WI% sent>. The status assignmentdepends on whether a notification of recovery has also been sent to theArbodienst. The UWV form Notification of Full Recovery of Employee AfterNotification of Sickness Before 42nd Week> is printed if the followingprerequisites are met:
- The Fully after Long Term Sickness> checkbox is selected in the
selection area of the UWV >tab.
- The end date of the sickness record is within the selection period and
is not equal to the high-date (31-12-9999).
- The status of the previous sickness record is either: E - UWV Long
Term Sickness Notification sent, I - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness uwv long term sickness notificaiton sent, >or m -Arbodienst Full Recovery & UWV Long Term SicknessNotification sent.>
- The person concerned is not a welfare claimant, in accordance with the
Wage Return> (0808>) infotype. The new status is dependent on the old status: E,,->,,F,,UWV Long Term Full Recovery sent I,,->,,J,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Long Term FullRecovery sent M,,->,,N,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery & UWV Long TermFull Recovery sent Arbodienst forms:> The Arbodienst Notification of Absence >is printed if thefollowing prerequisites are met:
- The Notification of Absence> checkbox is selected in the selection
area of the Arbodienst> tab.
- The start date of the sickness record in the Absences >(2001
>) infotype, subtype Sick, is within the selection period or is acontiguous or related sickness record (28 days or less) for which nonotification has yet been sent.
- The status of the sickness record in the Absences> infotype is
either: 1 - Notification of Sickness created,> C - UWVNotification of Sickness sent, >D - UWV Full Recovery sent, >E -UWV Long Term Sickness sent,> or F - UWV Long Term FullRecovery sent>. The new status is dependent on the old status: 1,,->,,A,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent C,,->,,G,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Notificationof Sickness sent D,,->,,H,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Full Recoverysent E,,->,,I,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Long TermSickness Notification sent F,,->,,J,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Long Term FullRecovery sent In case of a partial return to work, the Notification of Recovery>is printed, provided the following prerequisites are met:
- The Notification of Recovery> checkbox is selected in the
selection area of the Arbodienst >tab.
- The end date of the sickness record is within the selection period or is
a contiguous or related sickness record (28 days or less) for which nonotification has yet been sent.
- The status of the sickness record is either: A - Arbodienst
Notification of Sickness sent, >G - Arbodienst Notification ofSickness & UWV Notification of Sickness sent>, H -Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Full Recovery sent >, I - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV Long TermSickness Notification sent>, or J - Arbodienst Notification ofSickness & UWV Long Term Full Recovery sent>. In the case of a partial return to work, the status will not be changed.The previous sickness record will be given either the status P -Continuation Sickness Record present & Arbodienst Modif. WI%sent> or R Continuation Sickness Record present & Arbodienst uwv modif. wi% sent, >depending on whether a notification ofpartial return to work has been also sent to the UWV. In case of a full return to work, the Arbodienst Notification ofRecovery >is printed if the following prerequisites are met:
- The end date of the sickness record is within the selection period and
is not equal to the high-date (31-12-9999).
- The status of the sickness record is either: A - Arbodienst
Notification of Sickness sent, >G - Arbodienst Notification ofSickness & UWV Notification of Sickness sent,> H -Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWV Full Recoverysent,> I - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness & UWV FullRecovery sent,> or J - Arbodienst Notification of Sickness &UWV Long Term Full Recovery sent>.Features Statuses and Status Updates> The status of a sickness record determines which notifications areprinted. The following statuses are possible: 1,,Notification of Sickness created A,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent B,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery sent C,,UWV Notification of Sickness sent D,,UWV Notification of Full Recovery sent E,,UWV Notification of Long Term Sickness sent F,,UWV Long Term Full Recovery sent G,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent to & UWV Notificationof Sickness sent H,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWV Notification ofFull Recovery sent I,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWV Notification ofLong Term Sickness sent J,,Arbodienst Notification of Sickness sent & UWV Long Term FullRecovery sent K,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery Sent to & UWVNotification of Sickness sent L,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery sent to & UWVNotification of Full Recovery sent M ,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery sent to & UWVNotification of Long Term Sickness sent N,,Arbodienst Notification of Full Recovery sent to & UWVNotification of Long Term Full Recovery sent O,,Continuation of Sickness Record present P,,Continuation of Sickness Record present & Arbodienst WorkCapacity Percentage Change sent Q,,Continuation of Sickness Record present & UWV Work CapacityPercentage Change sent R,,Continuation of Sickness Record present & Arbodienst &UWV Work Capacity Percentage Change sent In addition to the notifications, the user can create a batch inputsession to change the status of the sickness records; this preventsnotifications that have already been printed from being printed again.In principle, all sickness records for which a notification has beencreated receive the status belonging to the notification. Where multiplesickness records exist and there are less than 28 days between theiroccurrence, the sickness records receive the status O - Continuationof Sickness Record present.> Changing the record status manually is generally only necessary if anotification needs to be reprinted. If you do not specify a selection period, the start date will default to01.01.1800 and the end date to 31.12.9999, following which all presentsickness records will be selected. This will lengthen the processingtime required by the report. In principle, only sickness records for which a notification must becreated need to be selected. This means not only sickness records thathave been recently changed but also records that have remainedunchanged, possibly for long periods. We therefore advise you to runthis program periodically. The UWV, for example, requires thatnotifications for welfare claimants be submitted within four days. It is possible to create or change sickness records in the past, whichmeans it is important that you enter a start date in the selectionperiod that is early enough. For example, the first day of theEarliest possible retroactive accounting period >that is set inthe payroll control record could be used as the standard start date. The end date will depend on the frequency with which you run the report.For example, if you run the program weekly, the last day of the week canbe used as the end date. Data Mapping to Notifications> For more details about the infotypes and data which map to the relevantnotifications, refer to the following: