Programme SAP RPTWFMIF - Interface HR ->WFM Core: Availability Interface

You can use this report to create resources in the WFM Core for as manyemployees as you require.
You can transfer availability information for these resources, such asworking times and break times from work schedules and daily workschedules, from mySAP HR Time Management to the WFM Core.


  • This report supports the infotypes 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 and the
  • work schedule from mySAP HR Time Management.
    • The availability information is transferred to SAP APO and the WFM Core
    • as an add-on in the WFM Core Scheduling Engine.
      If you use the WFM Core in APO, and want to use other SAP APOapplications in addition to this, SAP APO and the WFM Core must run ontwo separate SAP systems.
      We recommend that you use mySAP HR Organizational Management to groupthe employees whose availability information you want to transfer.


      • You have installed SAP APO on your own system, or have imported the
      • relevant add-on and configured the WFM Core.
        For information about this, see the Implementation Guide for theWorkforce Management Core (WFM Core), or Note number 0505748.
        • You have maintained an RFC connection.

        • To ensure communication between the SAP R/3 HR system and the WFM Core
        • system during asynchronous transfer, you have to choose BasisComponents -> Application Link Enabling (ALE) -> Modelingand Implementing Business Processes ->Maintain Distribution Model and DistributeViews in the Implementation Guide for SAP R/3 Customizing anduse Create Method to make the following entries:
          Client: HR system
          Server: WFM Core system
          Object: WFResource
          Method: ChangeAvailabilityMultiple
          The object method belongs to the 'WFResource' object.
          • You have performed the activity Integration with
          • Workforce Management Core. in Customizing for Personnel TimeManagement -> Integrating Time Management with Other SAPComponents.
            • To enable the transfer of availabilities, you must have created the
            • required resources in the WFM Core using the PFAL transaction.


              • You can use this report to create as many employees as you require as
              • resources in the WFM Core.
                • For these resources, you can transfer availability information from
                • infotypes, subtypes and work schedules for these resources to the WFMCore.
                  To ensure that your availability information is up-to-date, we recommendthat you schedule a background job periodically (for example, everynight).
                  Note that the data in the selected period is overwritten during thetransfer of availability information.
                  • The data transfer runs in the background by default (asynchronous data
                  • transfer). For test purposes, you can also perform the transfer in theforeground (asynchronous transfer).
                    • If the Update field is selected, the report only transfers the
                    • changed data. This means that the infotype 439 (Data TransferInformation), subtype 0004, only saves the period between theprevious and latest change. The report transfers the data for thisperiod from mySAP HR Time Management. In the Insert mode, alltime data in the selection period is transferred.
                      • The availability information is subdivided into individual packages for
                      • the transfer. If an error occurs, you can continue the data transferfrom where the error occurred. You can define the package size. Thesystem ensures that all the personal data for one person is containedwithin one package.
                        • You can use the Infotype Filter option to define that only the
                        • infotype-subtype combinations that are specified in theIntegration with Workforce Management Coreactivity in Customizing for Personnel Time Management ->Integrating Time Management with Other SAP Applications are to betransferred. Firstly, a search is performed for the exactinfotype-subtype combination. If the system cannot find a match, itchecks whether the infotype and subtype template are available. If thisis unsuccessful, a search is performed for the infotype with the subtypeSpace. If this search is also unsuccessful, the infotype is nottransferred.

                          Transferring Availability Information:
                          Choose the employee whose availability information you want to transfer.
                          Choose the required period.
                          If necessary, specify the required package size and an RFC connection.
                          Choose 'Execute'.

772049Short dump in report RPTWFMIF