Programme SAP RPTWAO_CMP00 - Time Leveling

This report is a modified version of the Time Leveling reportfor Time Manaagement. It is used to provide Time Leveling as aMiniApp in the mySAP Workplace.

This report does not have the full range of features of report RPTCMP00since the MiniApp can offer only restricted functionality. Thefollowing restrictions apply:

  • Only the day view is output

  • Only employees whose time/incentive wage data contains discrepancies
  • are output
    • The report outputs time and/or incentive wage data depending on the
    • MiniApp parameters:
      If you activate the Time Leveling field, the system outputs allemployees whose planned working times are not fully documented byactual times or incentive wage time tickets or whose actualtimes/incentive wage time tickets exceed the planned working times
      If you activate the Incentive Wages Check field, the systemoutputs all employees whose daily incentive wage results exceed or fallshort of the agreed value limit

      For more information, see the documentation for reportTime Leveling.