Title Leave Entitlement for Change in Number of Weekly Working Days Purpose You can use the RPTURL_WCL_TGW report to recalculate an individualemployee's leave entitlement for a key date if the number of workdaysper week changes in the Planned Working Time> infotype (0007)within the deduction interval of an absence quota. You may require it if leave entitlement in your enterprise is calculatedon the basis of the weekly workdays. The report is a sample report, which you can adjust to suit yourrequirements. See also the SAP Note 496828.Integration The RPTURL_WCL_TGW report is not a standard report and therefore cannotbe accessed using the menu or the ABAP Program Execution >function(transaction SA38).>Features
- The report adjusts an employee's remaining entitlements for a key date
to comply with the new weekly workdays. All absence quotas of thespecified types that are deductible on the key date are converted.
- The report creates a new record in the Absence Quotas> infotype
(2006) in which it converts the employee's existing remainingentitlement to comply with the new working week. To do so, the reportchanges all absence quotas that are listed in the report code whosededuction intervals are current on the key date.
- The report changes the deduction end date of the old record in the
Absence Quotas > infotype (2006) to the day before the key date;the deduction-from date of the new record is the key date. Example: An employee works five days a week. Total entitlement in leave year = 30 days Absences already taken = 10 days Record in infotype 2006: Valid from January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002;deductible from January 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003; remaining entitlementon key date = 20 days On June 1, the employee's working week changes to four days. On June 1,2002, you change the Weely Workdays> field in thePlanned Working Time> infotype (0007) to four days. The report creates a new record in the Absence Quotas> infotype(2006) and delimits the deduction interval of the old record. The reportconverts the remaining entitlement in the new record to comply with thechanged working week. Old record: Valid from January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002; deductiblefrom January 1, 2002 - May 31, 2002; remaining entitlement = 20 days New record: Valid from January 1, 2002 - December 31, 2002; deductiblefrom June 1, 2002 - March 31, 2003; remaining entitlement = 16 days Note: The report does not update the validity period of the absencequota records or the employee's total entitlement. The total entitlementis still 30 days on the basis of the five-day week.
- After you save the new record in the Planned Working Time >
infotype (0007), the report outputs the result of the conversion in alog. This enables you to check the conversion again. If you do not agreewith the result, you can exit the action by choosing Cancel >. If you Execute> the log, the system updates the AbsenceQuotas> infotype (2006).
- If absences have already been entered for after the key date, the report
re-counts these absences.
- The report checks whether the newly calculated remaining entitlement is
sufficient for the absences / compensation records (infotype 0416)entered for future dates. If there is insufficient entitlement, youcannot execute the dynamic action. You can, however, go directly fromthe log to the maintenance function for the Absences> infotype(2001) or the Leave Compensation> infotype (0416) to changeexisting records and execute the dynamic action.
- Recalculations cannot be performed for the results of the conversion.
You should therefore always run the dynamic action on the key dateitself, that is, do not create a new record of the Planned WorkingTime >infotype (0007) until the key date.
- If you have to make changes to absences from before the key date after
you have already converted them, you first have to manually undo thechanges in the Planned Working Time> and Absence Quotas>infotypes (0007 and 2006).
- You can customize the following areas of the log display to suit your
individual requirements: In the standard system, the quota type 10 is processed. You can changethe quota type in the report code. If several quotas are affected by achange, you can specify them in the code (KONTY range table). If you want to round the result of the conversion, you can specify inthe code the rounding rule you want to be used. To do so, change thecode that is commented out. To find the relevant lines of code, searchusing the search term "rounding."Activities Copy the RPTURL_WCL_TGW report and give it a name from the customernamespace (such as ZRPTURL_WCL_TGW). Modify your customer report to suit your requirements. Copy the lines in SAP Note 496828 to the Dynamic Actions> table(T588Z) for the Planned Working Time> infotype >(0007).Enter the name of your customer report in the table. Check whether your entries regarding the time constraint reactions ofthe time infotypes allow several records of the Absence Quotas>infotype (2006) with the same quota as their subtype to exist. Ifrequired, change the time constraint reaction to W or N. For more information, see the Implementation Guide for PersonnelTime Management: Time Data Recording and Administration -> SpecifySystem Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes.>