Personal Work Schedule Use This report creates an overview for multiple employees for each day inany given period, which includes all essential planned specificationsconcerning the working time of an employee. You can access the reportvia a pushbutton from the following SAP Time Management functions:
- From the Time Management menu (multiple employees)
- From the Time Management pool - Monthly calendar (specific employees)
- When you maintain time infotype records (specific employees)
The report is used when maintaining substitutions, for example, toobtain information on an employee's working times, working timeregulations, and infotype records on a specific day.Scope of functions
- You can limit the data selection period on the selection screen. For
example, you can display the planned specifications only for the days onwhich the employee was active or pensioned (employment status> 3or 2).
- In the initial list, you can see how many time infotype records have
been entered for an employee on a specific day. The Attendances>(2001), Absences > (2002), Substitutions> (2003),Availability> (2004), and Overtime> (2005) infotypes areevaluated. If required, you can obtain detailed information on theemployees' time infotype records.
- From the initial list, you can also obtain detail information on an
employee's daily work schedule or planned working time (infotype 0007).
- You can display an error list of all errors that have occurred
(Customizing errors, for example). The list displays the type of errormessage, the personnel number, and the error text.
- You can send the list by mail or download it to Microsoft Word or Word
for further processing.Activity Limit data selection period> In the Display periods> section, you can limit the display of theplanned specifications as follows:
- Pensioned/active>
The planned specifications on the working time are only displayed forthe days on which the employee was on pension or active (employmentstatus> 2 or 3).
- Inactive, pensioned, active>
The planned specifications on the working time are only displayed forthe days on which the employee was inactive, on pension, or active (employment status> 1, 2, or 3).
- Left, inactive, pensioned, active>
The planned specifications on the working time are only displayed forthe days on which the employee had left the company, was inactive, onpension, or active (employment status> 0, 1, 2, or 3). Obtain detail information> From the initial list, you can go to the following detail information:
- Information on daily work schedule>
RESET N2 Select the lines in the list for which you require information on thedaily work schedule, and choose Daily WS>. The Display DailyWork Schedule: Overview> view appears. From this screen, you can goto the following: Select the daily work schedule on which you require more detailedinformation, and choose Details>. The Daily Work Schedule: Detail> screen appears. Choose Work break schedules>. The Display Work Break Schedule: Overview> appears. Choose DWS selection rules>. The Rules for Determining Variants for Monthly Work Schedules>view appears. To return to the initial list, choose Back>. RESET N2
- Information on planned working time>
RESET N2 Select the lines in the list for which you require information on theplanned working time, and choose Planned working time>. The detailscreen for the Planned Working Time> infotype (0007) appears forthe first line you selected. To get to the detail screen for the Planned Working Time> infotype(0007) for the next selected line, choose Back>. To get back to the initial list, choose Back>. RESET N2
- Information on time infotypes>
RESET N2 Select the lines in the list for which you require information on thetime infotypes, and choose Time infotypes>. An overview list appears showing all infotype records entered for theselected days and the employees for whom they were entered. Select the infotype record on which you require detail information, andchoose Details>. The detail screen for the infotype record appears. To get back to the initial list, choose Back>. RESET N2 Display error list> RESET N1 Choose Error list>. A list appears showing all errors that have occurred. To get back to the initial list, choose Back>. RESET N1 Execute mail function> RESET N1 Choose Send..>. Enter a user name as recipient. Choose Send..>. RESET N1