Leave Overview Use This report creates a leave overview for a group of employees. You canconsider the employees' leave entitlement according to various aspectsusing different views of the dataset. For example, you can display anoverview of the totaled leave data for each employee, or a list sortedaccording to leave types. The system differentiates between requested,used, financially compensated, and forfeited leave entitlement. Preconditions The report only takes account of the Leave Entitlement> infotype(0005). If you administrate employees' leave in the Absence Quotas > infotype (2006), choose report RPTQTA10 (Display Absence QuotaInformation).Features
- You can further restrict the selection of employees by entering
additional selection criteria, for example Only persons withremaining >leave>.
- You can select a first view, of the dataset,for example a detailed
view, on the selection screen. You can branch to the other displayoptions online, such as Overview>, Summary>, Summary byorganizational >assignment>, or Annual calendar graphics >, after the evaluation.
- You can download the Overview>, Summary>, and Summary
by >organizational assignment> to Excel spreadsheets, andprocess them offline.
- You can display an error list of the employees not selected. These
employees have missing infotype records, or were not included due tothe restrictions Only pers. w/remaining leave> or Only pers.>w/forfeited leave>. The error list contains the personnelnumbers of all employees for whom an error occurred, the type of errormessage (for example, W for warning) and the error text.Activity Display remaining leave> If you enter a date in the Taken up to> field, then only theleave taken up to this date is taken into account. The requested orfinancially compensated leave is taken into account up to the key date(Requested >up to> field), giving the following formula forthe remaining leave on the key date: Remaining leave = Leave quota ,, ,, ,, - Leave taken (to date in Taken up to> field) ,, ,, ,, - Requested leave (to key date in Requested up to>field) ,, ,, ,, - Compensated leave (to key date in Requested up to>field) ,, ,, ,, - Forfeited leave (to date in Taken up to> field) Take account of forfeited leave> If you flag the Forfeited leave = rem. leave> field, theforfeited leave is included in the calculation of remaining leave. Restrict employee selection> You can use the Only pers. w/forfeited leave> and Only pers.>w/remaining leave> fields to further restrict the amount ofemployees selected Display annual calendar> If you enter a leave year in the Leave year for graphics> field,you can display the data in the form of a graphical annual calendar forthe selected year. In this case, the data selection period you enteredis not taken into account. Select view of data> In the First display> field, you can select a first view of thedataset. The selection options are relevant if you run the report inthe background, since you cannot change the data after a batch run. Youcan branch to the other display options online after the evaluation(not for a batch run, however). Switch between different views in the leave reconciliation list>
- If you choose Goto -> Overview>, you can display the totaled
leave entitlement in an overview for each employee. The leaveentitlement is flagged according to used, requested, financiallycompensated, forfeited, and remaining leave. You can download the listto an Excel spreadsheet and process it offline. You can find information on the deduction interval and the leave typesfor an employee by branching from the overview list to a detailed viewas follows: Position the cursor on a line in the list that contains the name of therequired employee. Double-click the line, or choose Edit -> Choose>.
- If you choose Goto -> Detailed view>, you can display a list of
all employees, flagged according to the leave type, deduction interval,and leave entitlement. The leave entitlement is divided further intoused, requested, financially compensated, forfeited, and remainingleave.
- If you choose Goto -> Summary>, you can display a summary of all
employees according to the leave type and leave entitlement. The leaveentitlement is flagged according to used, requested, compensated,forfeited, and remaining leave. You can download the list to an Excelspreadsheet and process it offline.
- If you choose Org. assignment>, you can display a list of the
remaining leave, totaled according to the organizational assignment.You can download the list to an Excel spreadsheet and process itoffline.
- If you choose Goto -> Calendar>, you can display a graphic in the
form of an annual calendar for all employees who are on leave. Display error list RESET N1 Choose Goto -> Error list>. A dialog box listing all unselected employees appears. To return to the table, choose Continue>. RESET N1Example You want to display a summary of the leave entitlement for the currentyear for a personnel area. You want to find out how much leave theemployees in the personnel area have taken, and how much they have hadcompensated. Procedure RESET N1 Go to the selection screen of report RPTLEA00. Choose Current year> as the selection period. Choose Further selections>, select the Personnel area>field to copy it to the selection screen, and enter the requiredpersonnel area. Under Additional data>, enter the current year as the lowerinterval limit in the Leave year> field. Under First display>, flag the Summary> field. Choose Execute>. RESET N1