Programme SAP RPTEUP00 - Upload Time Events from Sequential File

This report demonstrates how time events can be transferred tothe HR time recording system.
This is not the official, certified interface to subsystems.
The function modules are used internally and can be changed atany time.

The report reads records from a sequential file and inserts themin table RUECK.
The records are interpreted as clock-in/out entries made at a timerecording system, and the report converts them to internal recordsusing structure RUECK. The external structure is defined in fieldstring EXTREC; it may be necessary to modify this structure in linewith your external record format. If special coding is requiredfor the conversion to internal format, you can store it in theroutine SET_EXTREC_TO_IRUECK.
The records are then processed and updated by means of functionmodules.
Structure of field string EXTREC:

  • PERNR(8) Personnel number

  • ZAUSW(8) ID number (infotype 0050)

  • LDATE(8) Date of clock-in/out

  • LTIME(6) Time of clock-in/out

  • ERDAT(8) Date of entry

  • ERTIM(6) Time of entry

  • SATZA(3) Time event type

  • TERID(4) Terminal ID

  • ABWGR(4) Att./absence reason