Programme SAP RPTCMP00 - Time Leveling

Time Leveling

This report creates a list of employees for time leveling. You can usethe time leveling report to compare employees actual workingtimes to the times documented for them in the form of time or incentivewage data. You can then make corrections or new entries so that the timedata corresponds to the actual time worked. You can monitor, forexample:

  • Which time data is documented with special times

  • If employees have completed their planned working hours

  • Whether there are sufficient time tickets for employees who work on an
  • incentive wage basis.
    If you select the Display Difference field, thedifferences between the documented time and the planned time arehighlighted in the list by means of different colors and descriptions inthe tooltip text. The corresponding colors and descriptions areexplained in the legend.
    Determining the comparison times
    • Determining the daily working time

    • In time leveling, the term working time refers to actualworking time, as opposed to planned working time in infotype 0007.
      An employees daily working time is determined according to whetheractual times are recorded and evaluated (Time Management status in thePlanned Working Time infotype (0007).
      Scenario 1: No recording of actual times (Time Management status fieldhas a value of 0 or 9). The working time is determined from theemployees personal work schedule. Absences from infotype 2001 reduce theworking time, and overtime from infotype 2005 increase the working time.
      Scenario 2: Recording of actual times (Time Management status field hasa value between 1 and 8).
      The working time is calculated from the results of time evaluation(report RPTIME00). The time type flagged as productive time can bespecified as a parameter for the report (for example, time transfers canbe included in the cumulation of working time via this time type).
      For absences of more than one day, the working time is reduced each dayby the time specified in the work schedule. For overtime over more thanone day, the number of hours specified in the overtime record is addedin equal proportions to the working time of the individual days.
      • Determining the documented time

      • An employees documented time is calculated as follows:
        The actual labor time from incentive wage time tickets increases thedocumented time.
        The actual setup time from incentive wage time tickets increases thedocumented time.
        The actual teardown time from incentive wage time tickets increases thedocumented time.
        Attendances from infotype 2002 increase the documented time.
        For attendances of more than one day, the documented time is reducedeach day by the time specified in the work schedule.
        Employee remuneration specifications from infotype 2010 increase thedocumented time.
        Time remunerated by a bonus wage type is not taken into account,however.
        • Determining the planned time

        • Planned time refers to the time worked in incentive wages The plannedtime is calculated from the planned labor time, the planned setup time,and the planned teardown time.

          If actual times are recorded for employees, their working time iscalculated from the results of time evaluation. The Time Leveling reportonly produces appropriate results if these employees have been evaluatedwithout errors in time evaluation.


          • In the period view, the report displays for each employee the working
          • time, the documented time, and the difference between the two. You canbranch from the period view to the day view, and from the day view tothe document view.
            • In each view, you can add to or correct data using the maintenance
            • transaction. For example, you can create new infotype records orincentive wage data (for an overtime approval, for example).
              • In the standard selection screen, you can specify in the Minimum field a
              • value as of which the difference between the documented time and theworking time is highlighted. On the list screen, the differences arehighlighted in the following cases:
                Where the documented times exceed the working time
                Where the documented times fall short of the working time
                The planned times and the incentive wages results are highlighted asfollows, depending on the Customizing settings inCreatePremium Formula:
                Where there are slight excesses or shortfalls in the minimum/maximumresults
                Where there are significant excesses or shortfalls in theminimum/maximum results
                • You can hide employees for whom the difference between the documented
                • time and the working time is less than the value in the Minimum field.
                  • If you evaluate employee who participate in incentive wages, you can
                  • also display the planned times for the time tickets and the incentivewages results (labor utilization rates, premiums), in addition to theworking time, documented time and the difference. In the Planned timeand Result columns for the period and day views, only values fromemployee-related time tickets are taken into account. Group results aredisplayed in the time tickets in the document view.
                    • If you record all employee attendances in the Attendances (2002)
                    • or Employee Remuneration Information (2010) infotypes, you canuse the time leveling function to check whether your employees havecompleted their planned working times.
                      • The time leveling report allows you to compare the specifications in the
                      • employees personal work schedule to the confirmed times from Logistics.This is useful for employees who do not record their actual times at atime recording terminal.
                        • If you select employees according to the time recording administrator
                        • (in the selection screen or using matchcode L), the system displays allemployees for whom the administrator is responsible on the current date(system date). If the administrator was previously responsible for anemployee, but is no longer, the employee is not displayed.
                          For a better system performance, use matchcode L for the selection.

                          Switching between the different views
                          The report has three views:

                          • Period view

                          • Day view

                          • Document view

                          • Period view
                            In the standard system, the report first displays a list of the totaledvalues for the period. For each employee, an overview of the totalworking time, documented time, and the difference between the two isdisplayed.
                            Day view
                            In the period view, select a line and choose Choose. The dayview appears. It displays the totaled values for each day of theselection period for the selected employee.
                            Document view
                            You can branch from the day view to the document view as follows:
                            Select a line and choose Choose.
                            The document view appears. It displays the employees personal workschedule and, if the employee participates in incentive wages, the timetickets.
                            To display the time documents and specified times for the day, chooseDisplay all.
                            Select a line and choose Choose.
                            The corresponding infotype or incentive wage record appears. You cansupplement or correct the entries directly.
                            You can branch to the maintenance function for time or incentive wagesdata from all the views by choosing Goto and Create.
                            If you change records or create new ones for an employee whose actualtimes are recorded, you must run time evaluation again (choose Timeevaluation). You can then choose Refresh in the period or dayview to access the up-to-date data. Changes are continuously updated inthe document view.