Programme SAP RPTCCXTEST - Test Data Transfer for Time Events

You can use this report to simulate and test entering time events anduploading data to the interface and database tables. You can run it in atest system only.

You can test the individual data transfer steps to the followinginterface and database tables:

  • CC1TEV interface table

  • EVHR interface table

  • TEVEN table

  • TEVEN_MORE table

  • You can use the following functions in the output list:
    • Record time events

    • You can record personnel and work time events for an employee. You canuse the Field selection for test program fieldto choose the fields for which you want to test the transfer of data tothe HR-PDC and PP-PDC interfaces and to the tables.
      Regardless of the fields you choose, the output list already containsdefault entries, which you can overwrite or add to. You can enterpersonnel and work time events together, regardless of the selection youmade on the report selection screen. The only exception is theHR-PDC with different payment option.
      • Upload

      • You can upload recorded data to the interface tables CC1TEV and EVHR
        • Post

        • You can post the recorded data to the TEVEN and TEVEN_MORE tables. Thelog of the posting via HR-PDC and/or PP-PDC is output depending onwhether you posted personnel or work time events.
          • Time evaluation

          • You can run time evaluation for the employee selected.
            • List of time events

            • Takes you to the Complete List of All Time Eventsreport.
              • Delete time events

              • Takes you to the Delete Time Events report.