Programme SAP RPTBAL00 - Cumulated Time Evaluation Results: Time Balances/Wage Types

Cumulated Time Evaluation Results: Time Balances/Time Wage Types

This report creates a list of the day balances, cumulated balances(period balances), or time wage types that were determined by timeevaluation.
You can check what balances have been formed for each organizationalunit, for example. The report is also used to check the value limits youdetermined for individual time types or wage types in Customizing.
The report reads only the results that were created on the basis of timeevaluation without errors, that is, it does not take account of thepreliminary balances generated by time evaluation when there is an error(COLER F).

If you want to check value limits for your time types or wage types, youcan use feature LIMIT (hour value limits for cumulated balances)to define threshold values for individual time types or wage types. Thisfeature is comprised of three subfeatures:

  • LIMIE: Hour value limits for day balances

  • LIMIS: Hour value limits for cumulated balances

  • LIMIZ: Hour value limits for time wage types

  • You can determine the threshold value according to organizational andcollective agreement criteria such as personnel area and pay scale type.
    You can make the required settings for determining the value limits inthe Determine Value Limits for Cumulated Evaluation ResultsCustomizing step in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Time Evaluation.

    Scope of functions

    • You can use the report to make a comparison of the day balances,
    • cumulated balances (period balances), or time wage types generated bytime evaluation for different organizational units of the same category(such as personnel subarea or supervisor area). You can specify therequired balances or wage types as selection criteria.
      • The report reads the results of time evaluation from the following
      • tables of clusters B2:
        Table ZES for the day balances
        Table SALDO for the period balances
        Table ZL for the time wage types
        The report reads the day balances and time wage types for a particularperiod, that is, it reads the values over all days that you specified onthe selection screen. For the period balances, it reads the SALDO tablefor all periods specified on the selection screen. This means that youget the same value whether you specify the first day or the last day ofa month.
        • You can define threshold values for individual time types or wage types
        • in Customizing for Time Evaluation. If the threshold value is exceeded,the relevant number of hours field appears in red in the output list.
          • The results are displayed in a list with single-line spacing, and a
          • comment, "Value limit exceeded", is displayed in an additional column.You can tailor the list online to suit your requirements. For example,you can add columns to the list, hide existing columns in the list, orsort the data within a column. You can save the modified list as adisplay variant and then access it from the selection screen using theDisplay variant field.
            • You can call up a business graphic of the selected data

            • You can subtotal the number of hours field for one or more columns in
            • the list to compare the results of individual personnel areas, forexample. In the standard SAP System, an overall total is displayed atthe end of the list.
              • You can call up detailed information for each line in the list, for
              • example, information on an employee's organizational assignment.
                • You can send the list by mail
                • Activity
                  Call business graphic
                  To call a business graphic for the selected data, choose Goto ->Graphic.
                  Form subtotals
                  To choose the columns for which you want the number of hours field to besubtotaled, choose Edit -> Subtotal...
                  Get detail information on line
                  RESET N1
                  Select the required line.
                  Choose Details.
                  A list of all information relevant to the line is displayed.
                  RESET N1
                  Execute mail function
                  RESET N1
                  Choose List -> Send...
                  Enter a user name as the recipient.
                  Choose Send....
                  RESET N1

                  You want to find out how much surplus flextime (time type 0006) wasworked last year (1998) in cost center 12345 compared with cost centers12344 and 12343.
                  RESET N1
                  Call up the selection screen for report RPTBAL00.
                  In the Period section, choose Other period and enter 1/1/1998through 12/31/1998.
                  Choose More selections, and select the Cost center fieldto add it to the selection screen. Choose Multiple selection
                  , and enter the cost centers 12345, 12344, and12343 as individual values.
                  Under Selection conditions, choose Cumulated balances andenter the value 0006.
                  Choose Execute.
                  Choose Settings -> Display variant -> Current..., and copy theCost center field to the list.
                  Select the Cost center column in the list, and choose Edit ->Subtotal....
                  RESET N1