Attendance/Absence Data: Overview Use You can use this report to summarize and classify your employees'absence and attendance data from various different points of view. Thedata is displayed as a list. This means that you can display leave datafor the employees in a particular personnel area sorted by personnelsubarea and employee, for example. Integration You can go straight from the Attendance/Absence Data: Overview report toreport RPTABS50 (Attendance/Absence Data: Calendar View). Preconditions
- You can also use the report to evaluate data according to attendance or
absence category (that is, the abbreviation for the attendance orabsence). To do this, you must set up the abbreviations in Customizingfor attendance and absence types.Scope of functions
- The report creates different lists showing employees' attendances and
absences. You can make specifications on the selection screen thatdetermine the layout of the list - which columns appear and in whatorder, for example, and how the data is classified.
- You can also restrict the evaluation to attendances only or absences
only, or to specific attendance and absence types.
- You can enter a payroll period as the evaluation period.
- You can also select employees without attendances and absences.
- After the first output, you can change the display in dialog to suit
your requirements. You can hide lines and columns, for example, or sortthe data within a column.
- You can change between different views in the evaluation. For example,
you can display all available data or different detail views.
- When the evaluation is complete, you can display a selection log listing
all restrictions with which the report was run. The list contains allentries you made on the selection screen, for example, personnelnumbers, date, and time. You can use the log to check all restrictionswithout having to exit the evaluation.
- You can display an error list of the employees who were not selected.
The list contains the personnel numbers of employees for whom an erroroccurred, as well as the type of error message and the error text.
- You can send the lists by mail, or transfer them to Excel or Word for
further processing.Activity Determine attendances/absences for evaluation>
- You want to evaluate absences only.
To evaluate all absences, leave the Absence type> field on theselection screen blank. To restrict the evaluation to specific absence types, enter the relevantabsence types in the Absence type> field.
- You want to evaluate attendances only.
To evaluate all attendances, leave the Attendance type> field onthe selection screen blank. To restrict the evaluation to specific attendance types, enter therelevant attendance types in the Attendance type> field.
- You want to evaluate absences and attendances.
To evaluate all absences and attendances, leave the Absence type>and Attendance type> fields on the selection screen blank. To restrict the evaluation to specific absences and attendances, enterthe relevant absence and attendance types in the Absence type> andAttendance type> fields.
- You want to evaluate absence/attendance categories (that is,
abbreviations for absence or attendance type). To evaluate all absence or attendance categories, leave theAttendance/absence category> field on the selection screen blank. To restrict the evaluation to specific absence or attendance categories,enter the relevant abbreviations for the absence or attendance type inthe Attendance/absence category> field. Only the abbreviations setup in Customizing are taken into account. Group by org. assignment> You can determine which organizational data should have its own columnin the output list. The default settings are Personnel area> andPersonnel subarea>. If you choose the Grouping by org.assignment> pushbutton, a window appears in which you can chooseadditional data. The order in which you choose the data determines theorder in which the columns appear in the list. Display texts on organizational assignment> You can choose from the following displays:
- Do not display texts on organizational assignment:
If you choose this option, only the technical keys are displayed.
- Only display texts on organizational assignment
If you choose this option, only the texts are displayed.
- Also display texts on organizational assignment
If you choose this option, both the technical keys and the texts are displayed. Choose data to display> You can use the Data to display> pushbutton to determine whichadditional data should have its own column in the output list. Thedefault settings are:
- Attendance/absence hours>
- Planned hours>
- Percentage ratio of att./abs. hours to planned time>
- Attendance/absence days>
- Planned days>
- Percentage ratio of attendance or abs. days to planned days>
- Number of attendance/absence records>
If you choose the pushbutton, a window appears in which you can chooseadditional data. The order in which you choose the data determines theorder in which the columns appear in the list. Choose classification of data in initial list> The classification of data in initial list> allows you to choose afirst view of the dataset. You can branch to the other display optionsin dialog once the evaluation is complete (see below). Change between different views in attendance/absence data overview >
- You can choose Change view> to change from a view of data for a
specific employee to a view for a specific absence or attendance.
- You can choose Expand all> to display all existing data.
- You can choose Expand <-> Collapse> to expand or collapse the data
summarized in a line.
- You can choose Layout> to choose from four different layouts.
- You can choose Details> to choose different detail views. You do
this by selecting a line with the cursor and choosing Details>.The following detail views are available: If you select a line containing summarized data for each absence orattendance, you can choose Details> to go to the DisplayAbsence/Attendance Data: Details> view. If you select a line containing summarized data for each employee, youcan choose Details> to branch to report RPTABS50(Attendance/Absence Data: Calendar View). If you select a line containing an employee's absence or attendance datafor a specific absence or attendance type, you can choose Details>to display the infotype records for the relevant data selection period.You can branch to a specific record or display the employee's personalwork schedule, for example.
- You can choose Print preview> to change to the print preview for
the list. Display report restrictions> RESET N1 Choose Settings -> Selections>. You branch to a dialog box listing all restrictions with which thereport was run. Close the dialog box to get back to the initial list. RESET N1 Display error list> RESET N1 Choose Error list>. You see a list of all employees who were not selected. Choose Back> to get back to the initial list. RESET N1Examples RESET N1 You want to generate a ranking list of the most frequent absence typesin your company in 1997, by personnel area and subarea, and documenttheir ratio to planned working time. Procedure> Call the selection screen for report RPTABS20. Under Period>, choose Other period> and enter 01.01.1997- 31.12.1997>. Under Att./absence types for evaluation>, choose Evaluateabsences only>. Under Classification of data in initial list>, choose Org.assignment - Att./absence types>. Choose Execute>. (You may want to run the report in thebackground, depending on the number of employees selected). You want to check the success of a measure implemented for a certaincost center in June 1997, relating to visits to the internal medicalservice. You select the employees who were assigned to the cost centerin June 1997, and compare their absence hours to their planned time forthe periods directly before and after the measure was implemented. Procedure> Call the selection screen for report RPTABS20. Under Person selection period>, enter 01.06.1997 - 30.06.1997 >. Choose Further selections>, select the Cost center> field toadd it to the selection screen, and enter the relevant cost center. Under Att./absence types for evaluation>, choose Evaluateabsences only>. In the Absence type> field, enter all absence types relating toillness. Under Grouping by org. assignment>, choose Cost center>. Under Data to display>, choose Percentage ratio of att./abs.hours to planned time>. Under Classification of data in initial list>, choose Org.assignment - Employees>. Choose Execute>: Once for the data selection period 01.01.1997 - 30.06.1997>(before the measure was implemented). Again for the data selection period 01.07.1997 - 31.12.1997>(after the measure was implemented). If there are other cost centers in the lists apart from the one youentered, the employees listed for the other cost centers changed costcenter during the data selection periods. You could now generate thelists again, excluding the employees who changed cost center from theselection. RESET N1