Programme SAP RPSSSTV0 - SST report for Norway Public Sector

This is a legal report required by the Statens SentraleTjenestemannsregister (SST) twice a year in an electronic format.
This report has to be run for all active employees.
The report displays the required results of the payroll period for whichyou are running the report.

The report reads the master data records, payroll results andorganizational data for the employee.
The report checks the eligibility of the employees for SST reporting:

  • The system reads the TMA codes for the employee from table view
  • Temporary Agreement codes (V_T5VPPS_TMA). This table maps theEmployee Group, Employee Subgroup and the Report Identifier to theNorway Public Sector legal TMA codes. If the TMA code for the employeeis 10 or 6, the employee is not eligible for SSTreporting.
    • The system reads the absence types from table view Code for SPK for
    • leave-agreement with valid years (V_T5VPPS_SPKP). This table view mapsthe SAP absence types to the Norway Public Sector legal absence types.If the A/A Type for the employee is 09, the employee isnot eligible for SST reporting.
      • The system reads the Basic Pay infotype (0008) for the employee.
      • If the Pay Scale Level of the employee is 0 and the Pay ScaleType is 73, the employee is not eligible for SST reporting.

        You must have maintained the Retirement Age infotype (1653), which is anOrganizational Mangement infotype.
        You must have maintained the IMG activities under Payroll Norway-> Public Sector -> Reports -> SST Report.


        • Enter the employee selection criteria.

        • Enter the month and the year for which you want to run this report.

        • Select the Test Run indicator if you do not want to file on your
        • local PC or a TemSe file.
          • Enter the file name.
          • Output
            The output displays the following information for each position of theemployee:

            • Etatskode - The system reads the table view Maintenance for
            • Etatskode and Tjenestestedkode (V_T5VPPS_ETK_TJK) for this data.
              • Tjenestestedkode - The system reads the table view
              • Maintenance for Etatskode and Tjenestestedkode (V_T5VPPS_ETK_TJK)for this data.
                • Fødseslnr - This is the Personnel ID for the employee. The system
                • reads the Personal Data infotype (0002) record of the employeefor this data.
                  • Jobbnr - This is the serial number for the positions of an
                  • employee.
                    • Operasjonskode - This field is always displayed as T.

                    • Kortart - This field is always displayed as 0.

                    • Personnavn - This is the name of the employee. The system reads
                    • the Personal Data infotype (0002) record of the employee for thisdata.
                      • Stillingskode - This is the Job Code of the employee.

                      • Lønnsramme-nr - This is the wage frame number or the Pay Scale
                      • Area of the employee. The system reads the Basic Pay infotype(0008) record for the main position and Activity with Higher Rate ofPay infotype (0509) record for the additional position of theemployee.
                        • Lønnsramme-alternativ - This is the wage frame alternative or the
                        • Pay Scale Group of the employee. The system reads the Basic Payinfotype (0008) record for the main position and Activity withHigher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record for the additional positionof the employee.
                          • Lønnstrinn - This is the wage level or the Pay Scale Levela of
                          • the employee. The system reads the Basic Pay infotype (0008)record for the main position and Activity with Higher Rate of Payinfotype (0509) record for the additional position of the employee.
                            • Delløns-prosent - Depending on the type of employee, this field
                            • displays one of the following:
                              For permanent employee's it displays the percentage of time for which anemployee is working in that position. The system reads the Basic Pay
                              infotype (0008) record for the main position and Activity withHigher Rate of Pay infotype (0509) record for the additional positionof the employee.
                              For hourly paid employees it displays the number of hours for which anemployee is working in that position. The system reads the number ofhours from the wage type with evaluation class 15 andspecification 4, 5.
                              • Tjenesteansienitet fra måned - This is the month from which the
                              • seniority of the employee is valid. The system reads the DateSpecifications infotype (0041) for this information.
                                Tjenesteansienitet fra år - This is the year from which theseniority of the employee is valid. The system reads the DateSpecifications infotype (0041) for this information.
                                • Tjenesteforhold 1 - This is an employee's pay related status.
                                • The pay related status depends on Employee Group and Subgroup. Thesystem reads the Employee Group and Subgroup from the OrganizationalAssignment infotype (0001). The system reads the code correspondingto Employee Group and Subgroup from the Temporary Agreement Codestable view (V_T5VPPS_TMA) to display the employee's pay related status.
                                  An employee can have the following status:
                                  F - Fast tilsetting i regulativlønnt stilling (Permanent position ontariff pay)
                                  M - Midlertidig tilsetting (Temporary assignment)
                                  S - Personer lønnet med sysselsettingsmidler (Personnel paid byunemployment funds)
                                  Z - Personer som etaten har arbeidsgiveransvar for, men som ikke fårlønnen sin dekket over statsbudsjettet (Personnel whom the departementrecognizes as employer's liability but who are not paid from thenational budget)
                                  • Tjenesteforhold 2 - This is an employee's hiring related status.
                                  • The system identifies the same by:
                                    The system reads Temporary Agreement Codes table view(V_T5VPPS_TMA), Employee Group/Subgroup table (T503) to identifyif an employee is an hourly paid employee. If an employee is an hourlypaid employee, then the system displays the hiring related status as T-Timelønnede arbeidstagere (Hourly paid employees).
                                    For all other employees, the system selects an employee's hiring relatedstatus based on the working percentage. The system reads the workingpercentage from Basic Pay infotype (0008) record for anemployee's main position and Activity with Higher Rate of Payinfotype (0509) record for an employee's additional position. Anemployee can have the following status:
                                    H - Heltidsansatte tjenestemenn (Civil servants in permanent positions)
                                    D - Deltidsansatte tjenestemenn (Civil servants in part time positions)
                                    • Tjenesteforhold 3 - This is an employee's leave and pay related
                                    • status. The system reads the Temporary Agreement Codes table view(V_T5VPPS_TMA) to display this information.
                                      An employee can have the following status:
                                      B - Employee on maternity protection leave
                                      F - Employee acting in a higher position
                                      P - Employee with personal pay/position
                                      R - Employee on leave of absence with reduced pay
                                      Ø - Employee on EVU leave of absence
                                      • Arbeidsstedskommune - This is an employer's municipality number.

                                      • Utdanningskode - This is an employee's SST education code. This
                                      • code corresponds to the highest education an employee has completed. Thesystem reads the Education infotype (0022) to display this3-digit code.
                                        • Faste tillegg på B-tabellen - This is the value of the wage type
                                        • with Evaluation Class 15 Specification 3.
                                          • Andre faste tillegg - This is the value of the wage type with
                                          • Evaluation Class 15 Specification 1.
                                            • Variable tillegg - This is the value of the wage type with
                                            • Evaluation Class 15 Specification 2.
                                              • Variabel overtidsgodtgjørelse - This is the value of the wage
                                              • type with Evaluation Class 15 Specification 4, 6.
                                                • Budsjettkapittel for lønn - This is the value of the Budget
                                                • Chapter field in Retirement Age infotype (1653), which is anOrganizational Mangement infotype.
                                                  • Budsjettpost - This is the value of the Budget Subchapter field
                                                  • in Retirement Age infotype (1653), which is an Organizational Mangementinfotype
                                                    • Antall overtidstimer h.i.å - This field displays the total
                                                    • number of hours for which an employee has done overtime in the currentyear. The system reads the wage type with evaluation class 15 andspecification 4 to display this information.
                                                      • Antall måneder I tjeneste h.i.å - This is the number of months an
                                                      • employee has worked in a current year. The system reads the dateindicator (VB) and the corresponding date type from the Date Typetable view (V_T548Y). The system then reads the date corresponding tothis date type from the Date Specifications infotype (0041) to d
                                                        isplay the number of months an employee has worked in a current year.
                                                        • Utdanningskoder I SSB standard - This is an employee's SSB
                                                        • education code. The system reads Education infotype (0022) todisplay this 6-digit code.
                                                          • Ansattdato I virksomheten - This is the date on which an
                                                          • employee joined the company. The system reads the DateSpecifications infotype (0041) to display this information.
                                                            • Ansattdato I stillingen - This is the date on which an employee
                                                            • started working in the current position.
                                                              • Bedrift - This is the Bedrift number. The Bedrift number is
                                                              • assigned to an employee's Personal area and Personal Subarea.
                                                                • Juridisk - This is the legal Bedrift number.

                                                                • Avtalt lønn - Depending on the type of employee, this field
                                                                • displays one of the following:
                                                                  For a salaried employee, it displays the monthly salary of the employee.The system reads the Annual salary (main pos.) wage type (/610) for mainposition and Additional pos (annual) wage type (/606) for additionalposition of the employee.
                                                                  For an hourly paid employee, it displays the total hourly wages for themonth paid to the employee. The system reads the wage type withevaluation class 15 specification 4 and 5 for this data.
                                                                  • Faste tillegg hittil i år - This is the sum of Faste tillegg på
                                                                  • B-tabellen (Recurring payments) and Andre faste tillegg (other recurringpayments) made to an employee in the current year. The system reads thewage type with evaluation 15 specification 1 and 3 for this data.
                                                                    • Variable og uregelmessige tillegg hittil i år - This is the total
                                                                    • amount of additional payments made to an employee for the current year.The system reads the wage type with evaluation class 15 andspecification 2 for this data.
                                                                      • Bonus o.l. hittil i år - This is the total bonus paid to an
                                                                      • employee for the current year. The system reads the wage type withevaluation class 15 and specification 7 for this data.
                                                                        • Bonus o.l. 4. kv. Forrige år - This is the bonus paid to an
                                                                        • employee in the fourth quarter of the previous year. The system readsthe wage type with evaluation class 15 and specification 7 for thisdata.
                                                                          • Overtidgodtgjørelse hittil i år - This is the total overtime
                                                                          • amount paid to an employee for the current year. The system reads thewage types with evaluation class 15 specification 4 and 6 for thisdata.