Programme SAP RPSSESP0 - HR-PT: Structured Employment Survey

This report produces a list of data for the selected employees, withina three-month period, which is used to fill in the corresponding fieldsin the Structured Employment Survey.
This report also provides information for some fields of the AlertIndicators System survey.

For the information regarding incoming/outgoing employees(entradas/saídas), this report compares the beginning and the end ofthe reporting period to identify the number of employees joining orleaving a certain personnel subarea (estabelecimento), and ignores allchanges between the two periods:

  • if an employee was in the same personnel subarea at the beginning and
  • at the end of the period, no incoming/outgoing employee is considered.
    • if an employee was not in the personnel subarea at the beginning, but
    • at the end of the period, an incoming employee is considered.
      • if an employee was in the personnel subarea at the beginning, but not
      • at the end of the period, an outgoing employee is considered.
        • if an employee was in a personnel subarea at the beginning, but in a
        • different one at the end of the period, an outgoing and an incomingemployee (in different personnel subareas) are considered.
          For the period in question, the report considers the employee data(age, contract type, etc.) as stated on the final date.
          If an employee joined or left a certain personnel subarea severaltimes, only the reason corresponding to the last time is considered forthe survey.

          To report the information about incoming and outgoing employeescorrectly, you must first maintain the legal events/reasons in IMG stepPersonnel Administration -> Setting Up Procedures -> Events ->Create reasons for personnel eventsaccording to the events/reasons you have maintainted in the Events
          infotype (0000).
          For example, each event and reason entered in 0000 infotype,which implies a subarea change, must have a corresponding legal eventand reason customized. This is necessary because a change of subareacounts, for this report, as an outgoing (from the subarea he or sheleaves) or an incoming (the subarea he or she enters) employee, and theevents/reasons considered for this report are always the legal onescustomized in the IMG and not the ones entered in 0000 infotype.

          The report produces as output a table containing the necessary data tobe summarized for the respective survey. By pressing the "Excel"button, the table is sent to MS Excel where a pivot table can bedefined in order to obtain the summary of information necessary to eachform "block". The pivot table can be defined already in R/3, if thecheckbox "Pivot Table" is set in the "MS Excel Settings" dialog boxwhen exporting the data to MS Excel.
          Some examples on how to define the pivot table from R/3 are givenbelow:
          Structured Employment Survey - form block 1 ("Número de Pessoas aoServiço")
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Gender X
          Gr.Cntr X
          Part-Time X
          Fl.Beg.Per X Number
          Fl.End.Per X Number
          Structured Employment Survey - form block 2 ("Entradas de Pessoal noTrimestre")
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Gender X
          Under Age X
          Gr.Cntr X
          Part-Time X
          Fl. Hired X Number
          To obtain the necessary data to fill the form block 2 ("Evolução doEmprego") of report "Alert Indicators System" you just have to runreport RPSSESP0 for the period in question and set the Excel pivottable as follows:
          To get the number of employees at the beginning of the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl.Beg.Per X Number
          To get the number of incoming employees during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl. Hired X Number
          To get the number of outgoing employees during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl. Fired X Number necessary,because a change of subarea counts for this report as a fire (from thesubarea he leaves) and a hire (in the subarea he enters) and theevents/reasons considered for this report are always the legal onesdefined in T5PRM and not the one entered in I0000.

          The report produces as output a table containing the necessary data tobe summarized for the respective survey. By pressing the "Excel"button, the table is sent to MS Excel where a pivot table can bedefined in order to obtain the summary of information necessary to eachtable as follows:
          To get the number of employees at the begin of the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl.Beg.Per X Number
          To get the number of entries during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl. Hired X Number
          To get number of leaving events during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl.Beg.Per X Number
          To get the number of entries during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation
          Pers.area X
          P.subarea X
          Fl. Hired X Number
          To get number of leaving events during the period:
          Page Line Column Data Operation

657549HR-PT: TemSe functionality for RPSSESP0
672949HR-PT: Legal changes in Personnel Summary
649978HR-PT: Legal changes in Structured Employment Survey report