Programme SAP RPSALT00 - Employees According to Seniority and Age

The report creates two lists detailing information about employee'sage:

  • List detailing seniority

  • List detailing age

  • The evaluation is performed as a key day evaluation. The systemsuggests an evaluation for the current date.
    You determine the employees to be evaluated using personnel numbersunder Selection. Enter individual personnel numbers or a rangeof personnel numbers. There is a default value in the fieldEmployment status which means that in the standard system allemployees with the following employment status are selected:
    • 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence

    • 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner

    • 3 = Employee is active in the company

    • You can specify additional selection criteria using Additional data
      . The following fields are available:
      • Nationality

      • Date type ex specifications

      • In addition you can set the indicators:
        • Male

        • Female

        • Date of initial entry

        • Date of entry into group

        • Select the pay scale criteria for the evaluation under Selectionbased on pay scale data. You can enter data in the following fields:
          • Pay scale area

          • Pay scale type

          • Pay scale group

          • Pay scale level

          • You select which list you want to display first under Initial list
            • Seniority list

            • Age list

            • For more information on Further selections, Matchcodes,
              Sort, and Multiple selection read the ReportSelection Screen or The Complex Selections Function in theReport Selection Screen in the R/3 library under HR HumanResources -> PA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration ->Procedures in Personnel Administration -> Report Selection Screen inthe HR Management System -> Report Selection Screen or TheComplex
              Selections Function in the Report Selection Screen.

              The evaluation results are displayed as a table control.

              • Seniority list

              • The table contains the following columns:
                The column displays seniority groupings valid for employees that wereevaluated for the key date.
                The columns shows how many evaluated employees there are per senioritylevel in the first column.
                The column specifies the seniority grouping percentage in relation toall the evaluated seniority in a percentage form.
                The average age is displayed in relation to the seniority groupingdisplayed in the first column in this column.
                Number (M)
                The number of men within a seniority group are specified in thiscolumn.
                This column displays the percentage of male employees for eachseniority grouping.
                Age (M)
                This column shows the average age of all male employees within aseniority grouping.
                Number (F)
                This column lists the number of female employees within a senioritygrouping.
                In this column the percentage of female employees in a senioritygrouping is displayed.
                Age (F)
                The average age of all female employees per seniority grouping isdisplayed in this column.
                The last line in the table displays the evaluation results in a summaryformat.
                The average seniority age of all employees is displayed below thetable. The average age of employees is also displayed per gender andthe total number of employees below the table.
                • Age view

                • The following columns are filled:
                  This column displays the age of the evaluated employees which iscorrect for the selected key date.
                  The numeric value in this column displays the number of evaluatedemployees who have the age displayed in the first column.
                  This column displays the percentage of employees who are the same agecompared to the total number of evaluated employees.
                  The average seniority age is specified in this column for each employeewhose age is displayed.
                  Number (M)
                  The number of male employees per age group is listed in this column.
                  The column displays the percentage of male employees of the same age inrelation to the number of evaluated employees.
                  Seniority (M)
                  This column specifies the average seniority age of males employees foreach age group they are displayed in.
                  Number (F)
                  This columns lists the number of female employees per age group that isdisplayed.
                  This columns displays the percentage of female employees of the sameage in relation to the number of evaluated employees.
                  Seniority (F)
                  This columns displays the average seniority for female employees perage group that is displayed.
                  The last line in the table displays the summary evaluated data.
                  The average age of all evaluated employees is displayed beneath thetable. The average age for each gender is also displayed as well as thetotal number of employees beneath the table.
                  You can jump from one table to another by selecting Age orSeniority accordingly.
                  You can also edit and export the table. To learn how to do this readPresenting and Using Report Results in the R/3 library underPA Personnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> MasterData and Reporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results.

                  Seniority is calculated according to the Actions andOrganizational Assignment infotypes (0000 and 0001respectively). Alternatively you can also calculate seniority accordingto the Initial Entry Date or the date ofEntry into Group from the Contract Elementsinfotype. You can also calculate seniority according toDate Type from the Date Specifications infotype.You can carry out each type of calculation about seniority using thecorresponding check boxes in the report selection screen.
                  The employee's seniority or age is calculated on the specified keydate.
                  If you do NOT use the selection possibilities Pay scale area,Pay scale type, Pay scale group, and Pay scale level
                  , which are stored in the Basic Pay infotype, then the systemdoes not check the validity of the employee's infotype record for basicpay. If you enter data in the fields under Selection based on payscale data the system checks the specified personnel numbers. Noevaluation occurs for personnel numbers that lack pay scale data in theBasic Pay infotype (0008).