Programme SAP RPR_WAF_DEBUGGING - Display Log File for Offline Application

Debugging Offline Applications

This report debugs the processing of data that was created by an offlineapplication (such as Offline Travel Expenses) and transferred toR/3.

Logging data must be set as active in Customizing tablePTRV_WAFLOG_CC for the appropriate application.
The application must update the log entries within a function module forinbound processing (such as HRTRV_IF_GET_CUSTOMIZING) using WRITEmethod of class CL_OFFLINE_LOG.
The log file contains the data of a inbound container, plus the name ofthe function module to be executed and the time and date when the logwas created.


Name of WAF function module for inbound processing, date and time whenlog was created.

Click on the function module name hotspot to start this module,including the inbound container to be transferred, in the debuggingmode.
Warning: If you use this debugging function in your productionsystem, it can lead to duplicate updates.