Programme SAP RPR_CUSTOMIZING_CHECK - Customizing Check Program for Travel Management

You use this program to check the Customizing settings for the followingsubcomponents and functions of Travel Management (FI-TV):

  • Travel Planning

  • Travel Expenses (Expense Report)

  • Geocoding

  • Homepage Framework
  • Selection
    The report checks the following functions:

    Travel Planning

    • Language Key/Long Texts

    • For each specified language key, the program checks that a long text isdefined in the text table for each combination of the key fields in themain table
      • Country Assignment

      • The program checks whether each country (in table T005) is assigned to aregion (in table TA21RZL).
        • Redundancy Check for Travel Profiles

        • For the specified travel profiles, the program checks whether the triprules for flights, hotels, and car rentals are redundant due tosuperordinate rules.
          • Travel Service Categories

          • Check Completeness
            The program checks the completeness of the travel service categories inconjunction with the other travel services (tables TA20C and TA23OS).
            Check Integration of Expenses
            The program checks the integration of the travel service categories ofTravel Planning with the travel expense types of Travel Expenses (tablesTA20C and TA22A). The program looks for missing travel servicecategories and missing travel expense types.

            Travel Expenses (Expense Report)

            • Language Key/Long Texts

            • For each specified language key, the program checks that a long text isdefined in the text table for each combination of the key fields in themain table.
              • Per Diems/Flat Rates

              • The program checks whether the following trip provision tables containentries for all possible combinations of key fields:
                Flat Rates for Travel Costs (T706F)
                Accommodation Per Diems (T706U)
                Meals Per Diems/Maximum Amounts by Hours (T706V)
                Meals Per Diems/Maximum Amounts by Time (T706H)
                Note that the incoming parameters for controlling the per diems/flatrates influences the combination of key values. You can enter thetimes/hours on the selection screen.
                • Assignment to Travel Expense Types

                • Wage and Salary Types
                  The program checks whether a wage or salary type is used inconsistently- for example, nontaxable use in MJ10, but taxable use of the same wagefor hotel receipts, and addition of breakfast receipt.
                  Transaction Keys (Credit Cards)
                  The program checks whether the transaction keys predefined by the creditcard company are properly assigned to the travel expense types. Forexample, the program checks whether paid transaction keys are assignedto paid travel expense types.


                  • Check IGS Customizing

                  • For all components of the Internet Graphics Server (table GEOCODERS),the program checks whether Customizing contains an Internet address(table TA23IGS) and a destination (table GEOCD2CLS).
                    • Check Geocoding

                    • The program checks the geocoding coordinates of the following cities,and compares the return coordinates of the server with the known, fixedcoordinates:
                      Walldorf, Germany
                      Mougins, France
                      Luxembourg, Luxembourg
                      Palo Alto, USA
                      Morristown, USA
                      For more information on IGS Customizing, see Customizing for TravelManagement at Employee Self-Service -> Set Up Access to InternetGraphics Service (IGS) -> Usage of Internet Graphics Services (IGS) inTravel Management.

                      Homepage Framework

                      • Language Key/Long Texts

                      • For the specified language key, the program checks whether thetranslations exist for the following texts:
                        Resource Description
                        Service Link Text and Service Description
                        Area Description
                        Subarea Text
                        • Environment

                        • The program checks the following Customizing settings for the resources,depending on whether you choose the Browser or Portaloption:
                          Object Name (when you choose Browser)
                          PCD Page (when you choose External)
                          Service type
                          • Navigation Mode

                          • The program checks the following Customizing settings for the resources,depending on whether you choose the In-place option (resourcestarts in same window) or the External option (resource starts innew window):
                            URL Parameter (when you choose In-place)
                            PCD Page (when you choose External)
                            Window name

                            The following fields of the program are filled with default values:

                            • Key Date: current date

                            • PD/FR/Maximum Amount: "Per Diem/Flat Rate"

                            • Number of Days: maximum number of days possible
                            • Output
                              The program displays a message log in hierarchical form for all errorsfound. The runtime of the program increases and can take several minutesif multiple checks are chosen at once or if no trip provision variant ortravel profile is selected.

                              Review the message log and correct the Customizing errors.
                              Some messages in the log allow you to go directly to the Customizingsettings.
                              You also can run the IMG activities that are used by a table by startingthe SM30 transaction. Proceed as follows:
                              Start the SM30 transaction.
                              Specify the table.
                              Choose Customizing.
                              Specify a project or choose Continue w/o Specifying Project.
                              Choose an IMG activity.