Purpose You use this program to remove the effects of a system error in Austrianexpense settlements. This error can occur when you simultaneously use the Web Dynpro-basedexpense report or travel expense report (WD ABAP or WD Java) as well asthe travel expense transactions in SAP GUI. The SAP GUI transactionsincorrectly filled the field Region (country, state, province,county)> in table PTRV_TRIP_CHAIN (the table of all destinations forprocessing recurring destinations). When this occurs, you can no>longer open these travel expense reports in the Web Dynpro-based userinterface.Integration This program is delivered with SAP Note 1304413 or one of the supportpackages contained in that note. This SAP Note also includes thecorrection of the system error. Prerequisites You have imported SAP Note 1304413 or the respective support package. Selection You can run the program for individual or all personnel numbers. Activities Run the program once per personnel number to delete the entries in thefield Region (country, state, province, county)> in tablePTRV_TRIP_CHAIN. |