Programme SAP RPR_APPROVE_TRAVEL_EXPENSES - Approval of Trips

Usually, the approval report RPR_APPROVE_TRAVEL_EXPENSES is only usedby the expenses department. It supplies an overview of all(decentrally) entered trips that need to be checked and approved.
Using this report, trips can be specifically

  • - Approved

  • - Set to 'on hold' (if documentation is missing)

  • - Simulated

  • - Displayed

  • - Changed

  • If a trip that has already been paid (or transferred to a follow-upsystem) is subsequently changed, these changes can be viewed by meansof a function key. Trips of this kind are indicated in the overviewlist with a correction icon in the Request indicator field.
    Using the 'Corrections as list' parameter you have the option torequest the corrections not interactively but in list form.
    New trips for which the individual receipts have not yet arrived in theexpenses department can be put on 'hold' via the relevant function key.Furthermore, it is possible to have this indicator set automatically.This is done using the 'Set on hold automatically' report parameter.Please note that only new trips can be considered using this parameter.
    Trips without receipts can also be automatically approved.
    Via a business add-in it is also now possible for you to approve tripsaccording to certain criteria automatically.
    See Documentation on add-ins (transactionSE18 - name of add-in: TRIP_APPROVAL).
    Using transaction SE19, you can create the add-in.
    How can the approval report be used? The following diagram illustratesa typical organizational procedure:
    Night Processing:
    All new trips for which receipts have been entered
    are automatically set to 'on hold'.
    Processing Trips Without Receipts
    All trips with the status
    'Request entered' or 'Trip completed'
    'Open' or 'To be accounted'
    are selected. Thus the list contains only new
    trips without receipts (the other new trips
    were set to 'on hold' in night processing)
    and corrected trips.
    All selected trips are now checked and then
    approved. If a receipt still has to be submitted
    for a corrected trip, it is set to 'on hold'.
    Submitted individual receipts are processed !
    All trips that are set to 'on hold' are called up
    for the personnel numbers whose individual receipts
    have arrived in the expenses department. The trips
    are checked and then approved.