Description Report RPRTRV_KONST copies or initializes the following table fields. The Dxxxx fields of table T706S (where xxxx stands for the screennumber) are initialized with 'X'. D1300 D1310 D1400 D1500 D1600 D1700 D1701 D1702 D1703 D1709 D1950 D1960D9999 Fields KZREA and KZTXT of table T706D are copied to fields KZREA andKZTXT of table T706S. Fields KZREA and KZTXT of table T706D are thendeleted. The constants REI* from table T511K are copied to table T706_CONST(changing the country dependency into a trip provision variantdependency). The constant texts from table T512L are copied to table T706_CONSTTEXT(changing the country dependency into a trip provision variantdependency). The SCEDT field in table T706B1 is initialized with '-'. Precondition This report should only be started if there were problems withconversion of feature TRVCT to Release 4.5A. For the report to run,line 16 must be commented out with * ! 15 * ################################################################ 16 stop. "<------ 17 * ################################################################ Output Example When the feature was converted, client XXX was reset. But problemsoccurred with modification of the T706_CONST tables (T706S, T706D,T706_CONSTTEXT, T706B1). To avoid having to copy the constantsmanually, you can use report RPRTRV_KONST. To do so, line 16 must becommented out. When the report is started, a selection screen appears.The client in which the copy and initialization processes are to runmust now be entered in this screen. |