Programme SAP RPRSEL01 - Selection and transf. of purch. requisitions to external

You use this report to transfer purchase requisitions procured fromsystems external systems to the Enterprise Buyer System.

You can restrict the selection of documents to be transferred using:

  • the number of the purchase requisition (or a number range)

    • the transfer date

    • Here you determine the release date of the purchase requisitions. Theycannot be released before this date. This way you ensure that purchaserequisitions planned for some time in the future are not yet transferredto Enterprise Buyer.
      Note: This restriction does not apply to the transfer of changes to
      purchase requisitions. If a purchase requisition has already been
      transferred, then updates to it always go to Enterprise Buyer regardlessof the transfer date.
      • the package size transferred.

      • Using the package size, you determine how many purchase requisitionitems are transferred to the interface in each transfer run. Thisparameter has no effect on the absolute number of items to betransferred.
        The bigger the parameter value, the greater the memory requirement onthe application server, and the smaller the probability that a lockproblem will occur.
        • the name of the queue (qRFC)

        • Always use capital letters for the queue name. Any errors that may occurare visible under this name in the qRFC Monitor (SMQ1). You can also usethis name to restart unsuccessful calls from the qRFC Monitor.

          Enter values for the restrictions mentioned above under "Selection".Define a corresponding report variant and schedule the reportperiodically, for example, every hour.

593109Short dumps UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION in SRM 2.0 (EBP 3.5)
505933MRO: Incorrect status in EPRTRANS due to release strategy