Programme SAP RPRIRB00_30 - Posting Run from Trip Results of Releases R/2 5.0

The posting run program RPRIRB00_30 collects trip transfer data fromsystems with releases earlier than R/3 4.5A and creates a posting runwith this data. Posting runs are managed using transaction PRRW. Therethey can be checked, posted or rejected.Transaction PRRW can also be reached via the Travel menu: Edit ->Posting.


  • If the Travel module is located in an R/2 5.0, or R/3 3.0 System, the
  • work file created via the initial assignment program must betransported to your FI/CO system or stored in a central directory thatis also accessible from your FI/CO system. In this situation, you startposting run program RPRIRB00_30 with parameter setting 'Link R/2,R/3(3.0) -> 4.0' and specify the source release and the name of thework file.
    • If the Travel module is in an R/3 3.1, or R/3 4.0A/B system, the work
    • file must be transferred via an Idoc to the FI/CO System. ThisALE scenario, 'Trip costs transfer to FI', uses the logical messagetype 'HRTRVL'. ALE scenarios are set up via Customizing or directly viathe transaction SALE. The posting run program RPRIRB00_30 is started inthis case with the parameter setting 'Link 3.1 -> 4.0 with ALE' or'Link 4.0A/B -> 4.0 with ALE'. In this case also you specify the nameof the work file that was created via Idoc in your FI /CO System.