Description The program RPRFLDEL is used to update the matchcode for trip costs(PREM T). It is advisable to start this report if after a certain length of timepersonnel numbers have accumulated in the trip costs matchcodefor which no new trips have been created for a long time and no furthertransfers or printouts of older trips are required. For the person group chosen in the selection screen, mark all transfertypes that are used for this person group so that you only deletepersonnel numbers from the trip costs matchcode that really nolonger need to be transferred. If each trip is to be printed for thisperson group, also mark the 'Print indicator set' field. If a new trip is created or an existing trip is changed, the relevantpersonnel number is restored in the trip costs matchcode if itis missing there. Precondition In a production run the user name must be entered in the relevantfield. Output In a log run all personnel numbers that belong to the person groupselected are listed with remarks for each personnel number as towhether there are trips still to be processed or whether the personnelnumber should be deleted from the trip costs matchcode. If the log field is not marked, only personnel numbers that are to bedeleted from the trip costs matchcode are listed. Example For payment, transfer to payroll and financial accounting is carriedout and a trip costs accounting printout is produced for eachemployee in this payroll accounting area. Procedure: The following selection fields are marked: Payroll transfer, FI transfer, Print indicator set. |