Programme SAP RPREHBS0 - Rehabilitation Report for Sweden

This report determines an employee's eligibility for rehabilitationbased on the following conditions:

  • Sickness Days

  • Employee has been sick for the specified minimum number of days or morein the selected period.
    • Sickness Periods

    • Employee has the specified minimum number of sickness instances or morein the selected period.

      You have run the report RPIABSS0_NEW.


      • Sickness Days

      • Specify the minimum number of sickness days based on which the reportidentifies the employees eligible for rehabilitation.
        • Sickness Periods

        • Specify the minimum number of sickness periods based on which the reportidentifies the employees eligible for rehabilitation.

          The report generates the following lists:
          Report 1: Sickness Days
          The report displays the following information for the selectedemployees:

          • Begin Date, End Date and Duration of every record
          • that constitutes the sickness absence.
            • Work etching ability %

            • Report reads Work capacity pct. for the sickness absence recordfrom Absences infotype (2001) for Work etching ability %.
              Report 2: Sickness Periods
              The report displays the following information for the selectedemployees:
              • Begin Date, End Date and Duration of every record
              • that constitutes the sickness absence.
                Note: If more than one work etching ability exists for the same sicknessabsence, then system maintains sickness absence records corresponding toeach one of them.
                You also have the option to sum up the absence days of each record thatconstitutes the sickness absence.
                • Work etching ability %

                • Report reads Work capacity pct. for the sickness absence recordfrom Absences infotype (2001) for Work etching ability %.
                  From the list of eligible employees, you can select the employees thecompany wants to rehabilitate.
                  To do so, identify the employees from the output screen and choose theUpdate IT0082 option.
                  • For employees selected based on the number of Sickness Days:

                  • The report creates a new record for the employee in Additional Abs.Data infotype (0082) subtype REHB (Event 01:Rehabilitation). The Begin and End dates are same as in the sicknessabsence record selected from the output.
                    • For employees selected based on the number of Sickness Periods:

                    • The report creates a new record for the employee in Additional Abs.Data infotype (0082) subtype REHB (Event 01:Rehabilitation). The Begin and End dates are same as in the lastsickness absence record selected from the output.
                      Note: Select Yes in the rehabilitation record for the employee inAdditional Abs. Data infotype (0082) subtype REHB (
                      Event 01: Rehabilitation) to indicate that he or she has returnedto work.

                      On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Sweden -> Subsequentactivities -> Period-independent -> Reporting ->Rehabilitation Report.
                      Enter the payroll period for which you want to run the report.
                      Select the employees for whom you want to run the report.
                      Select the absence type records the report must read to identify theemployees eligible for rehabilitation.
                      To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.