Description The report RPRDUR00 (Selection of employees with exceeded trip days) isused to select employees who spend more than day limit> number ofdays on trips (for example, 30 days) within a certain analysisperiod>(a year, for example) and an interval of intervalduration> number of days (90 days, for example). This selectiondepends on the parameters No distinction: Dom./Internat.>Distinction: Dom./Internat.> and Consider 1st letter ofloc.>, as well as parameters Trips and weekly reports>,Report trips only> and Report weekly reports only>.(See F1Help concerning these fields. The selection of these employees is, for example, useful if all suchemployees are to be paid different reimbursement rates (according toGerman business trip costs, a "double residence"). You are then presented a list of the selected employees, with therelevant periods of time and the trip days within these periods. It is furthermore possible to be given a list of all trips within sucha time interval by means of activating the parameter Output list oftrips> or by double-clicking the list of selected employees. The output list has the following further functions:
- Output of trips within a time interval:
By double-clicking a line which contains a time interval, or by select-ing a line and clicking the Output time period> button. A list of the trips in the time interval selected is dislayed in adialog window. In this dialog window you have the option to display or change one ormore of these trips.
- Display of an individual trip (only if List of trips> is active):
By double-clicking a line which contains a trip, or by selecting such aline and clicking the Display trips> button.
- Changing of an individual trip(only if List of trips> is active):
By selecting a line which contains a trip and then clicking theZH>Change trip>button. Caution:> Although the report parameter Analysis period> explicitlyspecifies that the report is to check whether an employee has more than'day limit' days within the interval of 'interval duration'days withinthe analysis period, trips which took place up to 'interval duration'days before> the analysis period are also taken intoconsideration when an employee's trips are reported. The following example should illustrate this: Given the analysis period from 1/1 to 12/31 of a year, with an intervalduration of 90 days and a day limit of 30. If an employee had 25 trip days within the last 60 days of the previousyear and within the first 30 days of the analysis period another 7 tripdays, he will be included in the list as a result of the extension ofthe analysis period.