Description The report RPRDTAL0 creates a dataset from the trip costs to betransferred. This dataset serves as input for the payment mediumprogram RFFOM100 and as input for the check printing program RFFOUS_C(with check management), which can be called under the menu options'Create DME' or 'Print check'. Under the program name RPRDTJOB, there is an example program (forGermany), to show how the preliminary DME program, the payment mediumprogram and the check printing program can be started in one job. The house bank and the relevant bank account from which payment is tobe made are specified via feature TRVHB. Please note that feature TRVHBuses keys both for the house bank (table T012) and for the accountdetails (table T012K). The employee's bank details and address must be stored in HR masterdata. If overpayment of an employee occurs, this is indicated in anoverpayment list. Such reclaims must be handled outside of the Travelmodule. Note: This program does not carry out automatic posting in the financialaccounting system. Relevant postings must be performed directly infinancial accounting. |