Purpose Data Medium Exchange of Travel Expenses for Finland Features The RPRDTAFI program creates a dataset from the travel expenses to betransferred. This dataset serves as input for the Finnish payment mediumprogram RFFOFI_L> and as input for the check printprogram RFFOD__S> (without check management) that youcan call using the menu options Create DME> and Print Check>respectively. The RPRDTJOB> program is a sample program (forGermany) that shows how the DTE preliminary program, the payment mediumprogram and the check print program can be started in one job. You determine the house bank and the bank account from which the paymentis to be made using the TRVHB feature. Note that the TRVHB feature usesa short key for the house bank (table T012) and a short key for theaccount details (tabele T012K). Your employee's address and account details must be specified in his orher HR master data. Infotyp 0009 subtype 2> must exist> This is necessary because the payment method and the underlying bankformat is different than for subtype 0 (Settlement HR). Overpayment> If overpayment is made for an employee, this is recorded on anoverpayment list. A reclamation must then be handled outside of theTravel module. Trip Reference Number> The trip reference number is structured as follows: The total length comprises 20 digits: leading zeros, a countrer for thenumber of trips, a zero, then the last trip number and a modulo 10 checkdigit. Example: 3 trips exist, the last trip number is 23: The reference numberis 00000000000000030234.Selection An additional selection is offered with report RPRDTAFI. The due date ofthe paid items in the transfer parameters block can be edited. Thismeans you can specify the payment date manually - it does not have tomatch the date of the payment run. |