Description The report RPRDTAE0 creates a dataset from the trip costs that are to betransferred. This dataset serves as input for the Spanish payment mediumprogram RFFFOES_T and the check print report RFFOD_S (without checkmanagement), which can be called under the menu options 'Create DME' or'Print check'. Under the program name RPRDTJOB there is an example program (forGermany) to illustrate how the DME pre-program, the payment carrierprogram and the check print program can be started in one job. The house bank and the relevant bank account from which payment is tobe made are specified in feature TRVHB. Please note that feature TRVHBuses short keys for both house bank (table T012) and account details(table T012K). Employee's bank details and addresses must already have been storedin HR master data. If an employee is overpaid, this is recorded in an overpayment list.Return payment claims must be effected outside of the Business TripManagement module. Note: This program does not carry out automatic postings in the financialaccounting system. The corresponding postings must be performeddirectly in financial accounting. |