Programme SAP RPRDTAB0 - Data Medium Exchange: Travel Expenses (Belgium)

The report RPRDTAB0 produces a dataset from trip costs that are tobe transferred. This dataset serves as input for the Belgian paymentmedium program RFFOBE_E, and as input for the check printing program
RFFOD__S (without check management), which you can call using
the menu options 'Create DME' or 'Print check'.
Under the program name RPRDTJOB there is an example program (for
Germany) to show how the DMA pre-program, the payment medium program
and the check printing program can be started in one job.
The house bank and the relevant bank account from which payment is tobe made are specified using feature TRVHB. Please note that the featureTRVHB not only uses a key for the house bank (table T012), but also akey for bank details (table T012K).
The employee's bank details and address must already have been recordedin personnel master data.
If overpayment of an employee takes place, this is shown in an overpay-ment list. Demands for return of payment must be dealt with outside ofthe Business Trip Management module.
This program does not carry out automatic posting in the financialaccounting system. The relevant postings must be performed in financialaccounting.