Importing KR-1025 Credit Card FilesDescription The global credit card clearing interface developed by SAP, importscredit card files into SAP Travel Management (FI-TV). The credit cardclearing process uses a special file format which ensures that all ofthe required data is included. However, American Express (AMEX) uses a different format for theircredit card files, the KR-1025 format. The SAP credit card clearingprocess cannot read the KR-1025 format. By using this report, you can convert the credit card informationsupplied by AMEX (in the KR-1025 format) into the standard SAP formatand, therefore, make this information available for further processingin SAP Travel Management (FI-TV). Once you have converted the required files into the standard format,you can choose to go directly to credit card clearing or you can createa file containing the converted data records and use this at a laterdate as the source file for credit card clearing (RPRCCC00). Credit card clearing only processes data records for which transactioninformation exists. Additional information is not considered. Note:> For more information about the credit card clearingprocess, see the documentation for report RPRCCC00 and/or the SAPLibrary under Travel Management.Precondition
- The SAP customer is also an AMEX customer, and the credit card file is
received in the AMEX-KR-1025 format.
- The appropriate ISO currency code (in the format: Nummerical, 3 digits)
is maintained in table TCURC (field 'ALTWR') for each of the currenciesused.
- Each KR-1025 file only contains one accounting currency.
- In order to be able to identify the credit card holders in the AMEX
file, AMEX must either include the SAP personnel number or, in certaincountries, the social security number of the card holder in the creditcard file. You should contact your AMEX representative to discuss andagree how this information is to be transferred.
- The numbers must be transferred by AMEX in the following format: SAP
personnel numbers must be saved in KR-1025 interface in the fieldPersonnel Number>. The number must be 8 digits> long and beAligned Right>. If you are using the social security numbers,case, the number must be 9 digits> long and also be rightaligned>.Output Accounting and Processing Parameters You have to assign a company ID to the report. This ID must uniquelyidentify your company. If you do not want to create an output file immediately, you can runthe report in test mode first. This process generates an onscreen logabout the conversions. You can also combine the Test> and Execute ClearingImmediately> options. However, SAP does not recommend the use of thiscombination as it does not create a log for the clearing process. If you select the option Execute Clearing Immediately>, allsuccessfully converted data records are processed automatically.Unconverted data records are written in an error log. You can thenprocess this error file, and import it once all errors have beenresolved. By selecting the Use accounting currency> option, you can solvethe following problem: Payments to the credit card company are normallymade in the accounting currency defined in the credit card file. SAPTravel Management, however, uses the original currency andcorresponding exchange rate (also supplied in the file) as given on thepaper receipt. The original currency amount and exchange rates suppliedin the AMEX file, are sometimes incorrect as the correctness of thesefields is not guaranteed, which can lead to incorrect settlementamounts being calculated. In such cases, you can choose to transfer theamounts into SAP Travel Management directly using the accountingcurrency. In addition to this, you can enter a freely selectable Run Number >. This is only required if the run number - created automatically bythe report using the import date - should be locked. This may berequired if, for example, credit card information is imported severaltimes in one day.Import Parameters All files that are imported into or created by the report can either besaved locally (PC, frontend) or remotely on a server. If you want tostore these files on a server you must enter the file name and path forthe file. Enter the name of the KR-1025 file supplied by AMEX in the SourceFile Path and Name> fields.Output File As long as the Test Run> option is not selected, the report willcreate two files:
- One output file> for the successfully converted data records.
This file includes the required information for all successfullyconverted records, and can be used for the subsequent credit cardclearing process. and
- One error log file> for all data records that were not
successfully converted. The unconverted data records are stored in their original KR-1025format. You must manually resolve and correct any errors before you start thereport again. If clearing has not yet taken place, you can correct theoriginal file, however if the successfully converted records havealready been cleared, you must correct the errors in the error logfile. The on-screen log helps you to identify the errors and correctthem accordingly. Note:> If you want to run the report as a background process, youcannot use a local file. Existing files will be overwritten.Displaying the Log If you select the on-screen log option, you can display a log detailingthe conversion process. Here, you can decide whether you want todisplay the separate conversion status for each of the data records, orif you only want to display any errors that occurred. Note:>If more than one error occurs within one data record, onlythe first error is registered.Errors General Errors General errors occurs in the following situations:
- The company ID in the files does not match the company ID on the
selection screen.
- No source file could be found.
- The source file contains more than one accounting currency.
- The accounting currency in one of the data records does not match the
accounting currency in the header information.
- The credit card clearing run number is already locked (For more
information about assigning and locking credit card run numbers, seethe documentation for report RPRCCC00).
- The header information for the AMEX file is inconsistent.
- The accounting currency is not recognised by the SAP system.
To solve these problems, you should:
- Check your Customizing settings.
For messages relating to the posting currency not being recognised bythe SAP system: Check that the previously explained prerequisite fortable TCURC have been fulfilled.
- Change the parameters entered on the selection screen.
(Invalid source file, or company ID, locked or incorrect run number)