Purpose This report enables you to evaluate credit card data in TravelManagement. Features On the Personnel Data> tab, you first select the personnel numbersfor which you want to see the credit card information. You can select byorganizational criteria such as company code and cost center, or use thedynamic selection function to access further organizational criteria. In the Select Accounting Run> area, you select the accounting runsfor which you want to see the credit card data (for an overview of theimported credit card accounting runs, use transaction PTRA). You canchoose from a range of selection criteria including the credit cardcompany, accounting run number, and accounting date. In the Select Receipt Information> area, you can further restrictthe data by specifying what information should be displayed from theselected accounting runs and personnel numbers. The selection criteriahere include the credit card number, the receipt date, and the travelexpense type. There are also three parameters for the type of receipt data:
- Receipts in Receipt Buffer
All credit card transactions that have not yet been assigned to a trip. These are displayed with a yellow icon in the results list.
- Receipts Added to Trips
Credit card transactions for an employee that have been assigned to atrip with the trip number and receipt number. This table contains onlythe last 2000 credit card transactions for the employee. These entries are highlighted in the results list with a green icon.