The following infotypes from HR master data are taken into account forthe key date specified: All other required data is taken from a reference vendor that you canspecify as a parameter when you start the program. Note that for thereference vendor, reference data must exist for all company codes thatare applicable according to HR master data. Since program RPRAPA00cannot assign vendor master record numbers externally when creatingvendor master records, you must be sure that the reference vendor isassigned to an account group that requires internal number assignment.If no house bank is specified in the reference vendor, this isdetermined via feature TRVHB (Implementation guide for 'Travel Expenses'-> Transfer to Data Medium Exchange -> Set up Feature for DeterminingHouse Bank according to the employee's organizational situation. The link between the HR employee's master record and the correspondingvendor master record is set up by entering the personnel number in thecompany code segment of the vendor master record. Program RPRAPA00 creates a sequential work file in the specifieddirectory. Ensure that you use a global directory that can be accessedby all application servers; a directory is automatically proposed. Thework file is later transformed into a batch input session by thesubsequent program RFBIKR00, which is started automatically. In test run mode this program delivers information messages whichdocument the creation of a batch input session. Since each informationmessage must be confirmed manually, the test run should only beperformed for a small number of personnel numbers. In productive run mode, however, the program RFBIKR00 is automaticallystarted as a job; the information mentioned above is stored in the joblog in this case. The Corresponding vendor master records are created from the infotypeslisted above and the non-HR-specific information from the referencevendor. During the process, the personnel number is stored in thecompany code segment of the vendor master record. Persons who alreadyhave a vendor master record with corresponding personnel number arerejected in this run. If a vendor master record already exists for a personnel number, butwithout a company code segment for the company code in which theemployee exists at the key date entered, the program adds the requiredcompany code segment to the vendor master record. You must howeveractivate the checkbox "Create new company code segment for existingvendor master records". The HR master data used is the info type record valid on the key dateentered. The corresponding vendor master records are updated from the infotypeslisted above and the non-HR-specific information from the referencevendor. Persons who already have a vendor master record withcorresponding personnel number are rejected in this run. The system usesHR master data from the infotype records valid for the key date. All HR-specific data is changed in the vendor master records forpersonnel numbers that have changes since the date recorded under '...with last change since'. The system uses HR master data again from theinfotype records valid for the key date specified. All vendor master records which correspond with the selected personnelnumbers are blocked for posting. For the following situations, two empty routines are supplied in theincludes RPRAPAEX and RPRAPAEX_001 which you can adapt to yourrequirements. Note that in each case a thorough knowledge of the programming languageABAP/4 is necessary. The distribution of personnel master data from a HR system to an FIsystem is a prerequisite for creating, changing, and blocking vendormaster records. In the section In the FI System, report RPRAPA00 described here can be used to create,change, and block vendor master records. |