Description The report creates a list which displays appointments for employeeswithin a selected time period and offers the opportunity to viewchanges to them in the output list. You can carry out the evaluation for any user-defined time period. Thesystem suggests an evaluation using Other period>. You can specify a payroll period as an evaluation period by selectingPayroll period>. The Payroll period> appears on the reportselection screen - you specify a payroll period in fields within thisbox. To change back to the initial report selection screen press thePeriod> button. SAP recommends searching using the search help M> (Appointments).A dialog box appears where you select Appointments>. You enterthe desired limitations in the Restrict value range> dialog boxand then confirm them. You can select schedule records for the day, themonth, or the year using the search help M>. If you search using the search help M> and also make entries inthe field Other period>, then you can limit the appointment datarecords to be displayed to within a month or a year. The meaning of the entry in the field Other period> variesaccording to whether or not you have made an entry in the Restrictvalue range> dialog box of the search help M> in the fieldsYear of appointment> or Month of appointment>, or Yearof reminder> or Month of reminder>:
- When selecting, enter a period for the appointment date and the
reminder date using the search help M>: The data selection period refers to the appointment date as well as thereminder date, that is, data records are only output if the appointmentdate and the reminder date lie within the date selection period.
- Enter a period for the appointment date or the reminder date using the
search help M>: The data selection period refers only to the appointment or thereminder date.
- Do not enter a time period for the appointment or the reminder date in
the search help M>: The data selection period refers to the appointment. Example 1:> You want to display all of the appointments between 10.01.2000 and10.02.2000. To do so, proceed as follows:
- Enter
2000> as the year of reminder using the search help M >
- Enter
10.01.2000> and 10.02.2000> in the Other Period > field. Example 2:> Enter the following in the search help M>:
2000> in the Year of date> field
01> in the Month of date> field
2000> in the Year of reminder> field
01> in the Month of reminder> field In addition, enter 10.01.2000> und 10.02.2000> in theOther period> field. All data records are displayed which have anappointment and reminder date between the 10.01.2000 and the31.01.2000. You specify which employees should be selected under Selection>.You can use the following fields:
- Personnel number>
- Employment status>
The system suggests that all employees with the following employmentstatus should be selected: 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence. 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner. 3 = Employee is active in the company.
- Payroll area>
- Pers.area/subarea/cost center>
- Employee group/subgroup>
You specify how the selected data should be evaluated usingAdditional data>. You can limit the evaluation using thefollowing fields:
- Date status>
- Date type>
- Personnel administrator>
Set the indicator Print date text> if you want the date text tobe displayed as well.Output The report results are displayed as a list, which displays theappointments for every employee within the evaluation time period. Youcan also look in detail and change appointments which are stored in theMonitoring of Dates> infotype (0019) from the list. According towhat you want to do - either change or display an appointment - chooseEdit -> Display> or Edit -> Change>. You can see a briefappointment overview for every employee: select Edit -> Select>.