Title Create Reporting Time Types Automatically Purpose This report is used to automatically create reporting time types.Reporting time types are created from the existing attendance/absencetypes, time types, and the wage types relevant for time management inthe backend system. Assignment between system objects and reporting timetypes occurs on a 1:1 ratio. If the "Include groupings" checkbox is not activated, then onlyattendances/absences, time types, and wage types that are distinguishedby their individual groupings are grouped together in a reporting timetype. Start the report only if you want to create this type of reporting timetype. If you want to group together different attendance/absence types,time types, or wage types in your own customer-defined reporting timetypes, then you must do this manually. Note: In this case, the report should not be started because it deletescustomer-defined reporting time types and their assignments in thecustomer name range. Prerequisites You have not created any reporting time types in the customer name rangeand have not made any assignments. Example You want to display all of the existing attendance/absence types on a1:1 ratio as reporting time types in the Business Warehouse and in ABAPQuery. Attendances/absence types, such as illness and leave, which aredifferentiated in the system for administrative purposes for eachpersonnel subarea grouping, are grouped together. In the initial screen, choose Att./absences and deactivate the "Includegroupings" checkbox. |