Programme SAP RPPCUPG0_EXP - Batch Program Upd Infotype 0071- EE spec record Maintenance indicator

You use this report to select the EE specific record indicator inthe Pension Funds GB infotype (0071) records. If you select thisindicator, you can enter customer specific values in the infotyperecord. When you run the Batch Update of Infotype0071 with Contribution Rates and Band Levels report (RPPCUPG0_UPD),these customer specific values are not overwritten.

You run this report after you activateSolution Change-OverDate (Great Britain) feature (GBCHG).

On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Great Britain ->
Subsequent activities -> Period-independent -> Other ->Update Infotype 0071 with EE specific record indicator.
The Batch Program Update of Infotype 0071-EE spec record maintenance
screen appears.
In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
In the Pension Scheme section, select the scheme(s) for which thecontribution rates are changed.
Enter the period for which you want the indicator to be selected for aparticular scheme.
The system selects the Update EE spec record indicator bydefault.
Enter a batch session name in the Batch session field.
To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
The Batch Upd Infotype 0071- EE spec record maintenance screenappears. This screen displays:
List of employees for whom you have run the report.
Personnel numbers of employees for whom the EE specific recordindicator is selected.
Pension scheme to which the employees belong.
Validity period of the pension scheme.
To update the infotype records for the selected employees, on the outputscreen:
Choose Batch input.
The Batch Input: Session Overview screen appears.
Select the batch session that you want to process.
Select Session -> Process Session.
The Process Session screen appears.
In the Processing Mode section, select Process/foreground.
Choose Process.
The Maintain HR Master Data screen appears.
Select Enter.
The Change Pension Funds GB screen appears
Select Enter.
The Change Pension Funds GB infotype (0071) screenappears.
Save your entries.