Programme SAP RPMREP00 - HR: Scheduler for Parallel and Distributed Reporting

HR Scheduler for Parallel and Distributed Reporting

The HR Scheduler for Parallel and Distributed Reporting reportis used for the flow control of parallel and distributed reportingwithin Human Resources (HR). Parallel and distributed reporting allowsyou to select persons, and to output report-specific data on selectedpersons in the SAP system. In the HR Scheduler for Parallel andDistributed reporting, you need to specify the report to beexecuted, as well as the parameters for the report execution.
Distributed Reporting
Distributed reporting allows you to access data from systems that arerun independently of your system. To do so, enter which report you wantto run in the calling system. This report is then run in the calledsystem via Remote Function Call ( (
RFC). When the report hasbeen run, the data is transferred back to the calling system, again viaRFC. The data is then formatted, (sorted for example), and output inthe calling system.
You can use distributed reporting to execute a central personnel checkin a global enterprise that uses distributed data retention, forexample. This would then allow you to execute reports for all employeesin one single step.
Parallel Reporting
Parallel reporting allows you to process a report in a system usingmore than one session (and thus, more than one
work process). When youprocess data, the system first determines the personnel numbers thatare to be processed, and then distributes them equally among theindividual work processes. The work processes then retrieve the datarelating to the relevant personnel numbers. All resulting data is thenoutput in a list.
If you use parallel reporting, you will notice that your systemperformance improves considerably.
Combination of Parallel and Distributed Reporting
You can also combine distributed and parallel reporting, by runningdistributed reporting via RFC in several systems, and parallelreporting in the called system. To do this, you must enter the RFCconnections to the called system, as well as the number of sessions. Inthis way, you specify the systems in which parallel reporting is to berun, as well as how many sessions are required.

The following prerequisites must be met in order for you to be able torun distributed or parallel reporting:

  • The systems being used must have an identical Customizing status

  • The personnel numbers to be processed in the systems must be unique, in
  • other words, you must ensure that no personnel number occurs more thanonce
    • The RFC system connections must be maintained correctly

    • All systems to be called must be entered in the calling system
      The called system must be entered in the systems to be called (ensurethat the same name is used)
      • You must have defined a variant for the report that you want to execute
      • with distributed reporting
        You can use any report variant for distributed reporting
        The report variant used for parallel reporting must not contain anyselections using organizational structures or search help selections
        • You must ensure that there is a strict division of data collection and
        • presentation. This means that all data that you collect must be frominternal tables, and can only be transferred to an output routine atthe END-OF-SELECTION event. You cannot refresh any data duringdata output. If necessary, check these prerequisites in the coding ofthe relevant report.
          You can only use the reports for distributed and parallel reporting ifthey meet the following prerequisites:
          The report uses either function module HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST orREUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY to present data. If this prerequisite ismet, you can use the output routine of the HR Scheduler forParallel and Distributed Reporting (RPMREP00) to output the results.You cannot use the output routine belonging to the report itself.
          The report can export data by using the relevant form routines, andtransfer data from the called systems to the internal table belongingto the report itself. You can find an example in programming exampleRP_DIST_REP_EXAMPLE. For more information, refer toProgramming Example for DistributedReporting.
          If this prerequisite is met, you can execute the report in adistributed manner, and then use the output routine belonging to thereport for the whole output. You can also use the output routinebelonging to this report for outputting results obtained fromdistributed reporting.

          HR Scheduler for Parallel and Distributed Reporting (RPMREP00)can be run with the following parameters:
          Report Name
          Technical name of system-wide reports to be run
          with variant
          Name of report variant to be run. To be able to run parallel ordistributed reporting, you must enter a report variant.
          You cannot use a report variant for parallel reporting if it contains aselection using organizational structures or a search help.
          Number of sessions
          Number of sessions (= work processes), among which parallel processingis divided. You can run a report parallel in the current system byentering an RFC connection. You can also use parallel processing byusing distributed reporting. In this case, the specified number ofsessions are opened in each system called.
          RFC connections
          RFC connections to systems in which the specified report variant is tobe executed. You must use the multiple selection feature to enter allRFC connections for the systems to be called.
          RFC-RFC connection
          An RFC connection between calling system and called system
          No sort, Sort in ascending/descending order
          Determines how the output list is sorted
          Use report output
          To use the output of the executed report, set this indicator. If you donot set this indicator, the output routine of HR Scheduler forParallel and Distributed Reporting with HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LISTis used.
          You can only use the Use report output parameter if the reportthat you want to execute is compiled in the same manner as samplereport RP_DIST_REP_EXAMPLE. For more information, refer to thedocumentation provided.
          End processing of report
          You can output the data from another report that you entered for datacollection. If you enter a (technical) report name in this field, thisreport is used for data output.
          You can only use the End processing of report parameter if thereport that you want to execute is compiled in the same manner assample report RP_DIST_REP_EXAMPLE. For more information, refer to thedocumentation provided.
          Controls how the report is processed.

          • If you choose Online, the general time-out setting applies to
          • the processing.
            • If you choose Background, the report is executed as a background
            • job in the called and calling systems. You must control the time-outsetting for background processing via following parameters:
              Main delay, Waiting time for next check and Number ofrepetitions.
              Main delay
              Determines how many seconds the lead system waits until it checks ifthe processes have been completed in the called systems. If allprocesses have been completed, the data is transferred from the calledsystem to the calling system, and is subsequently output. If theprocesses have not yet been completed, further checks are performedindependently of the waiting time and number of repetition entries.
              Waiting time for next check
              Determines how long the calling system waits until it checks again, tosee if all processes have been completed in the called systems.
              Number of repetitions
              Determines how often the calling system checks to see if all processeshave been completed in the called systems.

              The output fields correspond to the output fields provided by thereport executed in a distributed manner. If the data is processedonline, the output list is displayed directly on the screen. If thedata is processed as a background job, an output job is created in theJob Overview.