Programme SAP RPMGE_MASS_ACTIVATION - Mass Activation

Execute this report to mass-activate compensation packages and generatethe corresponding records for the pay infotypes.

Process flow
Broadly speaking, mass activation is a three-step process, as describedbelow:
The last activated compensation package items (CPIs) are retrieved andregenerated on the basis of your new customizing settings.
The newly generated compensation package items are checked by anotherdepartment.
The compensation packages are mass-activated by either the home or hostcountry and the pay infotypes (0008, 0014 and 0015)are updated in background accordingly.

You must have:

  • Implemented the Management of Global Employees (PA-GE)
  • successfully and maintained the relevant infotypes.
    • Generated the compensation packages by means of report
    • Mass Generation of Compensation Packages
      • Checked the compensation packages by means of report
      • Check compensation packages.

        In addition to the standard organizational and time-dependent criteria,you can specify:

        • The group the international administrator responsible for the assignment
        • process belongs to. Per default, the administrator is automaticallyretrieved once you have specified the group.
          • Whether the activation is home or host-based.

          • Whether or not the report has to be executed in test mode. If so, no
          • data is written to the database. This option is strongly recommended fortest purposes.
            • Whether or not a compensation package has to be regenerated. If
            • applicable, set the relevant indicator. Note that a first activation isrequired before regenerating a compensation package.

              The output is a list in ALV format that you can export in variousformats (MS Excel, Crystal Reports) or forward via electronic mail. Itcontains the difference between the old and the newly recalculatedcompensation package items for the selected assignment type andemployee(s).
              If the status has been set to To be checked, a warning has beenissued. Check the warning and make the necessary changes by d
              ouble-clicking the record and jumping to infotype CompensationPackage Offer (0706); set the status to Checked forboth home and host countries and save your changes.