Programme SAP RPMGE_CPACK_GENERATION - Mass Generation of Compensation Packages

Execute this report to mass-generate compensation packages for a groupof global employees in infotype Compensation Package (0706

See also the reports Check compensationpackages and Mass activation.

You must have performed the customizing activities in the ImplementationGuide for Management of Global Employees and maintained therelevant infotypes.

In addition to the standard organizational and time-dependent criteria,you can specify:

  • The group the international administrator responsible for the assignment
  • process belongs to. Per default, the administrator is automaticallyretrieved once you have specified the group.
    • Whether or not the report has to be executed in test mode. If so, no
    • data is written to the database. This option is strongly recommended fortest purposes.
      • Whether or not a compensation package has to be regenerated. If
      • applicable, set the relevant indicator. Note that a first activation isrequired before regenerating a compensation package.

        The output is a list in ALV format of all relevant global employees thatyou can export in various formats (MS Excel, Crystal Reports) or forwardvia electronic mail.
        If you want to modify a compensation package, click Change tojump to infotype Compensation Package Offer (0706) andmake the necessary changes.