Programme SAP RPMEDIR0 - MediSave monthly contribution report (Singapore PS specific)

This program creates the MediSave monthly report in the Tape, Diskette,Infoline formats based on the results from the program RPCALCR0.

The program creates a file for MediSave contribution. This file issaved in the application server under /usr/sap/trans/tmp(DEFAULT, BLANK for testing)
with the file name in format:(expanded from hrsgp.***)
mmddyy: created date
time : created time
XXXXX : stands for CPF
nn : serial number
At the same time, the program create listing reports for CPF (part A, B c), mbmf, sinda, cdac and ecf.

The program creates a file on the drive A, B, C, .., or Z of your PC.If you select the drive A or B, the program asks you to insert aformatted disk. If you select the drive C, .., or Z, you should give asubdirectory. The file name on PC has max. 8 letters and one extension.Its default is CPFRTN**.TXT, where ** is serial number in case of morethan one employer CPF A/C in the system. If there is only one in thesystem, a file CPFRTN.TXT will be written onto your PC. Please note,the same file name in your PC will be overwritten.

3) CPFLine
As DISKETTE format the program creates a file on the drive A, B, C,..., or Z of yout PC. Its default name is CPFLIN**.TXT. You can use the"CPFLINE Front-end software" of CPFLine to transmit this file to theCPFBoard. Please note the same file name in your PC will beoverwritten.

4) Print out the contribution lists (Listing)
Actually, contribution lists are printed on the screen under any otherformats. You can print these lists on your printer by pressing thebutton "PRINT". If you just want these lists without output to anyother formats, you can select e.g. format "TAPE" under "TEST".

  • Testing (no files created)

  • If this is selected, the program do not create any files for TAPE,
    • Interest on late payment FWL / CPF

    • In both these fields you can enter interest on late payment of FWL
      and CPF. These figures will be intergrated into CPFLine.
      • No. of Records per Print Page

      • This number will be used to control listing report. Please note that
        every record will be printed in double space.
        • Print Company Code with Plant

        • If this is selected, company name (T001) and personnel areas (T500P)
          will be integrated into CPF reporting, otherwise, only company name is
          • CPF Exceed Claim Up

          • The parameter will only be used for handling with the negative
            difference (of a fund donation) in case of recalculation.
            If this parameter is selected, amounts to claim up will be deducted
            from the current corresponding fund donation automatically,
            otherwise, a list of employee number with fund name will be printed
            out, and no deduction (in CPF reporting) at all.

            The program checks the CPF A/C no and inform you if any errors occurs.
            e.g., the letter at beginning, check digit, or duplicated A/C no.
            If program detects any of such A/C error, no files created. In thosecases, you can check them in P0186, correct them accordingly, and runRPCCPFR0 again.
            Program uses evaluation class 06 to determine which wage type in T512W(usually technical wage types /***) is CPF reporting related.
            Before running RPCCPFR0, all CPF reporting related wage types in T512Wmust be classified into evaluation class 06 .