Programme SAP RPLWCOU0 - US Workers' Compensation Report

Use this report to calculate Workers' Compensation wages and premiums,according to the selection criteria you specify.
On the selection screen of this report, you can choose to run the reportby:

  • Personnel number

  • Employment status

  • Employee group

  • Employee subgroup

  • Tax Authority

  • Although the period covered by the report is freely definable, you mustmake sure that at least one pay date falls within the period defined.The report only calculates Workers' Compensation wages and premiums perpay date.
    In the Other Selections box on the selection screen, you mayenter the Tax Authority(s) for which the Workers' Compensation amountshould be calculated. If entered, the Workers' Compensation amount iscalculated for this Tax Authority(s) only; otherwise the amount isaccumulated for all Tax Authorities (including Federal) and reported.
    In the Additional Selection box on the selection screen, you canchoose to include Workers' Compensation wage information in the report.You can also choose to include detailed information when the report isrun in the background.

    Before running the report you need to make the appropriate settings inthe IMG:
    See Personnel Administration ==> Organizational Data ==>Workers' Compensation

    The report includes summary information in SAP List Viewer form for thefollowing:
    Workers' Compensation state
    Workers' Compensation code
    Total number of employees per Workers' Compensation code within thegroup of selected employees
    Total Workers' Compensation wage of all employees per Workers'Compensation code.
    Total Workers' Compensation premiums due for the group of selectedemployees.
    The SAP List Viewer function allows you to filter data according to abroad range of criteria. You can also view further details by selectinga line and choosing the 'Choose details' function.

531901MSC: Conc. Employment activation check in U.S. reports.
1016779Worker's Comp. Report - Incorrect summary report.
1105451WC report: Name & SSN to be included for N. Dakota.
1081137Output duplicated or omitted in Workers Comp. report.
902167U.S. Reports: Runtime errors
877673Workers' Compensation: Clarification of error message
535464WC: Changes to Workers' Compensation Report
514080WC: With WT splits, RPLWCOU0 doubles workers' cmp. amts.
458499WC: Errors in Workers' Compensation Report
492664WC: US Longshore & Harbors Act: Workers' Compensation
438341WC: Wrk. Comp. Report RPLWCOU0: overflow -> short dump.
449295WC: WC reports incorrectly during company code change
454077WC Report rejects employee during company code change