Programme SAP RPLVERC0 - HR-CH: Insurance evaluation Switzerland

This report creates the annual contribution statement for insurance. Inaddition to the individual periods of employment, the gross wage, basisfor insurance, total wage liable to contributions and contributions paid(by employer and employee) are specified for each employee.
In addition to the annual contribution statement, the following listsare created:
Concurrent employment in various company codes or payroll units
Address list of all payroll units.
The list for all concurrent employment allows you to check moreefficiently the personnel numbers affected, since you can no longerdirectly print these numbers sequentially, because of the way they aresorted.

All payroll account records from the specific period are read for eachperson, retroactive accounting is taken into account according toVERSIONs-control. The values for the relevant wage types are cumulated.Paid contributions for all contribution levels are taken from thepayroll table CHVS.
The wage types relevant to establishing payroll data, are taken from theview V_T5CS1 for the respective application key.

List structure
The annual contribution statement is sorted according to:
Company code
Payroll unit
Personnel number
The system prints a separate sublist for each payroll unit, which isnumbered sequentially (starting with page 1).
Each list contains the relevant contribution rates and maximum wage forall the chosen contribution levels.

To ensure that the correct period of employment is specified for hourlypaid employees, the SI days of each month are used. If SI days areavailable, the employee is considered to be employed, even if allcontributions for this period amount to zero.
During payroll accounting, the relevant payroll units are stored foreach personnel number in the SI payroll table. For every personnelnumber, the end of year statement determines the payroll unit that isvalid at the time of evaluation for the insurance selected. If thispayroll unit is different from the one that was determined at the timeof the payroll run, a warning is issued. A list of all warnings isprinted in addition to the year-end statement. The evaluation usuallyoccurs according to the payroll units that are valid at the time ofevaluation.
Unpaid absences, that are not counted as SI days, are dealt with on alist analogous to dates of entry and leaving.

In addition to the Swiss insurances defined in the view V_T5CS7you can also evaluate insurances that you have created in theInsurances (0037) infotype. The contributions for theseinsurances are also saved in the payroll table CHVS under theapplication key P037.

1234276SI: Mid-year chng of UVG plant sec/code & display in PY acct
1313276Information for adapting reporting to LDV guidelines