Programme SAP RPLUSMS0 - SIF and Metall union fees

SIF and IF Metall Union Fees report (RPLUSMS0)

This report displays the Union Fee information of the employeeswho belongs to one of the following unions:

  • SIF

  • IFMetall

  • The report reads the payroll results to pick the Union Feeinformation of the employees.


    • You must have executed the payroll for the relevant period.

    • You must have customized the following cumulation wage type categories
    • in the UNI1 form in Form-Related Control of Wage Typestable (T512E):
      ASIC - Map with Sickness absence type
      APAR - Map with Parental Leave absence type
      ALOB - Map with Leave of Absence absence type
      AMIL - Map with Militery absence type
      ASTU - Map with Study / Education absence type
      PSIF - Map with SIF Union dues wage type
      PMET - Map with IFMetall Union dues wage type


      On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Sweden -> SubsequentActivities -> Per payroll Period -> Reporting ->SIF and IFMetall Union Fees.
      The SIF and IFMetall union fees selection screen appears.
      In the Selection section, enter the Personnel number(s) for whichyou want to display the Union fees information.
      If you enter personnel number(s) belonging to non payroll relevant area,the system displays an error.
      In the Additional Data section:
      Enter the Year for which you want the information.
      Enter the Month for which you want the information.
      Select UNI1 in the HR Form Link field.
      To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
      SIF Union Dues output screen appears.
      On this screen the information is available for selected SIF employees:

      • Employee Number

      • Personnel Id Number

      • Name of the employee

      • IFMetall Union due

      • Code indicating the Union Fee status of the employee. SIF
      • employees can have one of the following codes:
        00 Union due is paid
        01 Member occurence at the first time (new SIF member)
        02 Member terminated
        03 Member which have cancel his permission to deduction
        04 Member which deduction have been changed
        • Reason for resignation and the resignation date, in case of a terminated
        • employee.
          • The No deduction remark, if applicable, in the Remarks
          • field.
            When you choose Back icon on theSIF Union Dues, the systemdisplays IFMetall Union Dues screen.
            On this screen, the following information is available for selectedIFMetall employees:
            • Employee Number

            • Personnel Id Number

            • Name of the employee

            • IFMetall Union due

            • Code that is applicable for the employee. The system compares the value
            • of the Metall UnionIdentifier constant (METNO), with the value in SAFUN field ofthe Swedish attributes of org. structure (level pers. subarea)table (T5SOP). If both the values are identical, the employee belongsto the Metall group. Else, the employee belongs to IFgroup of the IFMetall Union.
              Metall employees can have one of the following codes:
              01 = Union due is paid
              Untill 31.12.2007, this code is applicable for employees of all agegroup.
              From 01.01.2008, this code is applicable for all employees,who are below65 years of age.
              52 = Union due is paid
              From 01.01.2008, this code is applicable for employees who are 65 yearsof age or above.
              05 = Military service
              44 = No gross payment in this Payroll period
              IF employees can have one of the following codes:
              00 = Union due is paid
              02 = Union due has not been deducted
              03 = Leave of absence
              04 = Study
              05 = Military service
              06 = Parental leave
              07 = Sickness
              08 = Other absence reason for not deducted union due
              10 = New member in trade union
              19 = Employee is leaving the company
              • Reason for resignation and the resignation date, in case the employee
              • has resigned.
                • The following remarks, if applicable to the employee, in the Remarks

                • field:
                  No payroll
                  No deduction
                  When you choose Back icon on IFMetall Union Dues screen,the system displays the information of employees belonging to bothSIF and IFMetall in TemSe file format.