Programme SAP RPLTEL00 - Telephone Directory

Telephone Directory

This report creates different lists of employee telephone numbers:

  • internal lists

  • external lists
  • Prerequisites
    To be able to use the full scope of functions available in this report,communications data must be stored in the following infotypes:

    • Addresses (0006)

    • Internal Control (0032)

    • Communication (0105)
    • Scope of Functions

      Under Key date, you can specify whether the communication datafor the current day, or any other day specified is to be evaluated.
      You determine the employees to be evaluated using Selection.Enter the corresponding individual personnel number or range ofpersonnel numbers in the Personnel number field. If you make anentry in the Employment status field, you can determine whichtypes of employment status are to be taken into consideration.
      You can enter additional Selection criteria and Output data
      under Additional data.
      You can use the Communication addresses and Postal codefields as selection criteria. In the Communication addressesfield, you enter the type of address (for example, fax, telephone,mobile phone number). If you enter a postal code, You can limit thesearch to employee's external numbers by entering a postal code.
      You mark which type of addresses should be evaluated under Outputdata:

      • External connenctions

      • You can limit the evaluation of external data by making entries inSelection criteria. The system always evaluates all telephonenumbers stored in the Addresses infotype (0006).
        • Extensions

        • The system evaluates the telephone numbers stored in the InternalControl infotype (0032).
          • Internal Communications

          • The system evaluates all communication numbers stored in theInternal Control infotype (0032) and the Communicationinfotype (0105).
            • Only known telephone numbers

            • The system evaluates all the telphone numbers stored in theAddresses infotype (0006) and the Internal Control (0032)infotype. This option is set as a default in the standard system. Ifyou have selected Internal Communications then any marking forOnly known telephone numbers is ignored in the evaluation.
              • With pers. number

              • Employee's personnel numbers are also displayed in the list output.
                • With address

                • Employee's addresses are also shown in the output list:
                  internal address
                  The employee's internal addresses (office numbers) are also displayedin list output if you have selected Extensions or InternalCommunications.
                  external address
                  Employee's external addresses are displayed in the list output if youhave selected External connections.
                  • As a directory

                  • The system automatically sorts employees by name if you select thisoption. The list is then formatted in such a way that you can insertindividual pages into a standard telephone register.
                    You cannot evaluate using Sort if you want to have a directoryas the output format.

                    Certain fields on the report selection screen already contain defaultvalues. The system proposes the following selections:

                    • Uses Other key date indicator to evaluate a date specified.

                    • Uses Employment status to select all employees with employment
                    • status 1 (inactive employee), 2 (pensioner, or 3
                      (active employee).
                      • Uses Extensions to select office extensions.

                      • Uses Only known telephone numbers to select addresses stored in
                      • Addresses (0006) and Internal Control (0032) infotypes.

                        The evaluation results are displayed in a list reflecting your searchcriteria.


                        • You can see more detailed information on lines marked with > at
                        • the end. Select the line and choose Select.
                          • If you want to print the list, choose Print.

                          • The Print Screen List screen appears. Enter your print settingshere, and choose Continue.
                            If you want to search for names or parts of names within the list,choose Find string. The Find screen appears. Enter acharacter string in the Find field, and choose Find. Theresults of your search are displayed in a separate dialog box.