Programme SAP RPLSVUD0 - Check contribution liability

You can use report RPLSVUD0 to determine whether a personnel area/subarea is considered for the continued-pay insurance (SI assessment).
The continued-pay insurance includes employers who, as a rule, do notemploy more than 20 employees. Part-time workers who are included arethose who:

  • work more than 10 hours

  • work between 10 and 20 hours with a factor of 0,5

  • work between 20 and 30 hours with a factor of 0,75

  • The report issues a list of all employees and a total of all employeesfor each plant.
    If it is not clear whether an employee should be included, thefollowing notes/indicators are listed:
    WT missing : Working time infotype is not maintained (P0007)
    WC check : Work contract is unclear. Check whether the
    employee is to be included.
    Trainee : Trainees are not taken into account in the
    calculation, but do take part in the assessment.
    To use this report, you must take the following input fields into
    RESET N1
    Key date
    Specify the date when the number of employees is to be determined. As arule, this is the at the beginning of a calendar year.
    Limit for number of employees
    Specify a maximum number of employees for a plant/plant section. If aplant has more employees that the number entered here, it does notappear in the list of the employees per plant section.