Programme SAP RPLSFB00 - Education and Training

This report creates a list concerning the education and training ofyour employees.
You can run the evaluation for any user defined time period. Thestandard system suggests an evaluation using Other period.Please note, you can only make an entry in Person selection period when you have selected Other period.
You determine the employees to be evaluated under Selection. Thesystem suggests an evaluation of all employees with the followingstatus in the Employment status field:

  • 1 = Employee is in the company but has leave of absence

  • 2 = Employee is in the company but is a pensioner

  • 3 = Employee is active in the company

  • If you do not want to evaluate all employees, you can limit the numberof employees to be evaluated by making entries in the Personnelarea , Personnel subarea, Employee group, Employeesubgroup and Cost center fields.
    You determine the type of education and training that should beevaluated using Additional data. To do so, you enter numericvalues in the School type, Certificate, Education andtraining and Branch of study fields.
    For more information on how to use Further selections ,Matchcodes and Sort, refer to the Report SelectionScreen in the R/3 library under Human Resources -> PA PersonnelManagement -> PA Personnel Administration -> Procedures in PersonnelAdministration -> The Report Selection Screen in the HR ManagementSystem -> Report Selection Screen.

    The evaluation results are displayed as a table control. The systemdisplays the results in three table formats:

    • List

    • The list displays the corresponding education and training data forevery employee. The standard output contains entries in the Name
      , Educ. est. text, Institute/location , Start date
      , End date, Country, Certificate text,Duration, and Description fields.
      • Statistics I

      • This table displays the employees grouped according to the type ofschool, certificate, branch of study and training. In the standardsystem the columns Number, Educ. est. text,Certificate text, Text for branch of study, andEduc./train. text are filled.
        • Statistics II

        • This list displays the number of employees who have the same schooleducation and the same certificates. In the standard system thefollowing columns are filled: Number, Educ. est. text,and Certificate text.
          You can change between the table views by selecting the correspondingList, Statistics I or Statistics II button.
          You can edit and export the table. To learn how to do this readPresenting and Using Report Results in the R/3 library: PAPersonnel Management -> PA Personnel Administration -> Master Data andReporting -> Presenting and Using Report Results.

          The employee's education and training data (school education,professional training, and further training) must be stored in theEducation infotype (0022).

          You want to determine the number of academic employees in theorganization who have a economics degree.