Programme SAP RPLRQTS0 - Request tax info from CSR

Request tax info from the National tax board (CSR).
The purpose of this report is to create a file with requested tax
for the employee. The file should be sent to CSR.
The file is created in the Temse file.
To copy the file from the TemSe file to the application or presentation
server use the payroll menu for annual activities. The function to use
is found under Reporting -> Temse files -> download temse
The CSR returns a file with the tax. To read this file and update
infotype 273 use program RPITAXS0.
The filel layout conforms to the specification RSV272 version 3 which
is the year 2000 compliant version.
Fields on the selection screen:
a - Period use 31 december for actual year
b - Personnel number, personnel area/sub area, employee group/sub
group, payroll area
c - test run Mark this field if the file is a testfile to CSR
d - Summary of personell areas. Feature name for grouping together
personnel sub areas belonging to the same personnel area.
The table T536A is used to read information about the media deliverer.
The information is read as follows:
ANART = /A VARGU = 0001 is used to create recordtype CSR1, contain
name and address to the requester
A Name
B Department
C Address
D Postcode
E City
G Telephone
O Organisation no
ANART = /T VARGU = 0001 is used to create recordtype CSR2 contain
name and address to the technical informationreceiver.
A Name
B Department
C Address
D Postcode
E City
G Telephone