Programme SAP RPLRESG0 - Check Residency Status DOCUMENTATION Short textCheck Residency Status ReportTitleCheck Residency Status (RPLRESG0) report>PurposeThis report displays residency status details of all Non-EuropeanEconomic Area (EEA) employees based on the selection criteria.IntegrationPrerequisitesFeaturesValidationThe report performs the following checks on the selected employeerecords:Proof of Identity>It checks that ALL employees have relevant Proof of Identity documents.Visa And Work Permit>It checks whether all Non-EEA employees have valid visa and work permitdocumentsSponsorship Details>,,It checks whether all Non-EEA employees have valid documents pertainingto sponsorship.SelectionSpecify the following selection criterias:Period >- Specify the payroll period for which you want to executethe reportSelection >- Select an employee or a range of employeesFurther Options > - Specify the number of daysStandard_variantsOutputThe system displays the following details on the Check ResidencyStatus> output screen:Employees Processed>Employees Rejected>Employees Successful>Future Expiry Dates>Activities1.,,From SAP Easy Access menu, choose Human Resources --> Payroll--> Europe --> Great Britain ->Subsequent Activities -->Per PayrollPeriod -->Reporting--> Residency Status>2.,,The Check Residency Status> screen appears.3.,,Enter the relevant selection criterias4.,,Choose Program --> Execute>>.