Programme SAP RPLQSTC3 - Withholding Tax Statement for Geneva Attestation/Quittance

Withholding Tax Statement for Geneva Report Attestation -Quittance (Report RPLQSTC3)

This report generates a file that you can import into the "Formalix"form software of the canton of Geneva. The "Formalix" form softwarecreates and prints the official forms for the withholding tax statement("Attestation Quittance") and withholding tax accounting ("
Liste récapitulative ").
To create this file, the Create File field in the selectionscreen of this report must be selected.
The values "1" or "2" in the Level of Detail Logfield allow youto display the data records to be created (Employer Data andEmployee Data tables in the log). You can see incorrect recordsin the Error Indicator field in the log.
You can use the Simulate Download radio button to check whetherall necessary data can be determined without creating a file.
One file is created for each payroll number. Note the help for theFile Name field on the selection screen.
You can either store the file(s) on the application server, or on thefront-end computer (PC).
During background processing you cannot store on the front-end computer.
Incorrect or incomplete data records are not transferred to the file.The file is then generated incompletely with the remaining correctrecords. In this case, the appropriate error messages are displayed inthe log.

The report evaluates payroll tables RT and ST of cluster RC as well asrecords of various infotypes (see below).

Before you execute the report, system administration must first enterthe required settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Payroll:Switzerland by choosing Tax -> Withholding Tax ->Reporting (Subapplication QST1).
Ensure that the AHV number has been stored for all those employeessubject to withholding tax in the Social Insurance Data Switzerland
infotype (0036).

The data for the file interface is filled as follows:
Identification personne assujettie à l'impôt à la source:

  • The Etat Civil field is filled by the Personal Data (0002)
  • infotype.
    • The Confession field is filled by the employee's Personal
    • Data infotype (0002). For more information, see the ImplementationGuide (IMG) Payroll Switzerland-> Tax -> Withholding Tax ->Evaluations -> Additions Withholding Tax Geneva ->Convert Religion Key for Data Carrier.
      • The Vivant en union libre and Conjoint travaille en Suisse
      • fields are always filled with the value "0 (no/unknown)" in thestandard system. You can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to overwrite thesefields with customer-specific values if necessary. For more information,see the IMG Payroll Switzerland-> Tax -> Withholding Tax ->Evaluations -> Additions Withholding Tax Geneva ->Customer Enhancements .
        • The Nombre d'enfants field is filled by the Personal Data
        • infotype (0002) if the number of children is specified there. Otherwisethe value is determined by counting the children eligible for a bonus(infotype Family/Related Person (0021), subtype 2).
          • The Années de naissance field is filled by the Family/Related
          • Person (0021) infotype, subtype 2.
            • The Addresses (0006) infotype fills the residence details. For
            • residences in the canton of Geneva, the details are also taken from theMunicipality Code in WHT Statement for Residences in the Canton ofGeneva field within Additions WHT Geneva of infotype TaxCH(0038).
              Informations liées à l'activité professionnelle
              • In the standard system, the Type de contribuable field is always
              • filled with the value 1 Salariés and the Catégorieprofessionnelle field is always filled with the value 0 Nonrenseigné(unknown). You can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to overwritethese fields with customer-specific values, if necessary. For moreinformation, see the IMG Payroll Switzerland -> Tax -> WithholdingTax -> Evaluations -> Additions Withholding Tax Geneva ->Customer Enhancements.
                • The Lieu de travail localité field is filled by the
                • Municipality Place of Work Geneva of the Tax Data CH(0038) infotype.
                  • The Nombre de jours de travail field is filled by cumulation wage
                  • type PDAY.
                    • The Nombre de jours d'absence field is filled by cumulation wage
                    • type NDAY (unpaid absence).
                      • The Taux field is only filled when clearing takes place in the
                      • last month for which a statement was generated (usually December).
                        • The Barème appliqué field is filled by the Tax Data CH
                        • (0038) infotype.
                          Retenue de l'Impôt à la source
                          • The Prestations soumises à l'impot field is filled by cumulation
                          • wage types LOHN and ZULA (Addition).
                            • The dont prestations capital versées en fin de rapports de service

                            • <(><<)>/> field is filled by cumulation wage type ABFI.
                              • The dont allocations familiales field is filled by cumulation
                              • wage type AFGE. For more information, see the Implementation Guide (IMG)Payroll Switzerland -> Tax -> Withholding Tax -> Evaluations ->Additions Withholding Tax Geneva -> AdditionalCumulation Wage Types for Data Carrier.
                                • The Indemnités pour frais non incluses dans les prestations soumises
                                • à l'impôt field is filled by cumulation wage type NPZU (exemptbonuses).
                                  • The Impôts retenus field is filled by cumulation wage type BETR.

                                  • The Contribution ecclésiastique field is filled by cumulation
                                  • wage type CEGE.
                                    • The Retenue totale field is the total of the Impôts retenus

                                    • <(><<)>/> and Contribution ecclésiastique fields.
                                      Identification employeur / Débiteur de la prestation imposable
                                      • All employer details are stored in the Employer Data for WHT
                                      • Accounting Geneva (GeTIS) view. For more information, see the IMGPayroll Switzerland -> Tax -> Withholding Tax -> Evaluations ->Additions Withholding Tax Geneva -> MaintainEmployer Data for Data Carrier.

1565310Error in the ISEL XML file (empty XML tag "numeroVoie")
1619250ISEL/withholding tax: Canton of Geneva, negative amts in XML
1617886WHT VD/GE(ISEL): Invalid value for date of birth in XML
1580013ISEL: Access to incorrect infotype 0002 record
1575633ISEL: Street type/street binder type in XML not in lowercase
1560163ISEL: Street names not separated in log and XML
1517389Advance notice of fiscal year change 2010/2011 Switzerland
1525831ISEL: Adjusting sample Customizing for tax scale codes 2010
1530627ISEL: BAdI: Free text fields not in XML file
1526075ISEL: Residence status short-term residence L
1476830Error msg (greater than 120 days) despite IT 48 restriction
1486666ISEL: Error message if workplace address missing
1444229ISEL: Arrears payments in inactive periods
1443607ISEL: Subtype 3: Error in check tool if employee lives in CH
1442111ISEL: Error message due to locked record in infotpe 38
1440702ISEL: Per. numbr w/ diff. subtype influences next per. numbr
1438759ISEL: Persons w/o children have entries for children in XML
1429199ISEL: New cumultn wage types for gross and non-perdc pyments
1432323ISEL: Arrears payment in inactive work relationship
1434220ISEL: XML file is invalid if withholding tax amount 0 CHF
1433651ISEL: Error for short-term residents (L) with >120 work days
1431964ISEL: Workaround for invalid XML (DPI at wrong position)
1425797ISEL: Error msg if no withholding tax scale entered in T5C2P
1424802ISEL: Error message if withholding tax amount equals 0
1424466ISEL: Enhancement of the BAdI interface CHANGE_SUB_TYPE_EE
1381121Withholding tax: Legal change for canton Geneva ISEL
1389573Advance notice ISEL: Withholding tax statement Geneva
1245839Advance notif fiscal year change 2008/2009 Switzerland
1258421WT statmnt GE: Incorr val for municipality code place of res
1252233WHT Geneva: Leading zero missing in occupational category
1156015WHT stmnt Geneva: Incorrect output for Spouse works in CH
1008502Wthholdng Tax Stmnt/Geneva:Chgs for new Formalix Vers 2.0.0
1078772WTax Geneva: Municipality for place of work/country missing
1021304WHT statement Geneva: PO box from BAdI is missing in file
1018693WHT stmnt VD, GE: Error when using correction wage types
1014533WTaxStat Geneva: Multiple forms for active/inactive periods
1017621WHT stmnt Geneva: Incorrect WHT record in file
1009494WTaxStat Geneva:manually overridden WTax rec missing in file statm.Genava:ldng zero in postl cod FR mssng,misc.
961924Withholding tax statement Geneva: Format PC France incorr
944295Withholding Tax Statement Geneva: Corrections log, docu
927915GeTIS, withholding tax accounting for canton of Geneva
924329HR-CH: Too many workdays on withholding tax statement VD/GE