Programme SAP RPLQSTC0 - Withholding Tax Accounting

Withholding Tax Calculation (Report RPLQSTC0)

You use report RPLQSTC0 to calculate withholding tax for cantonal taxoffices.
Depending on the size of the company, withholding tax must be calculatedeach month or quarter.
For the canton of Vaud, you can submit the withholding taxelectronically. To do this, you create an XML file that you upload tothe Internet portal of the cantonal tax management. For moreinformation, see

This program evaluates the payroll results of selected employees byassigning the selected wage types to the list columns and thencumulating them.
You determine which wage types are assigned to which column in the IMGsection Maintain Cumulation Wage Types. Awithholding tax column is then represented technically by a cumulationwage type.

Before running the report, you have processed the activityReporting in the IMG under Payroll Switzerland,Tax -> Withholding Tax.
Ensure that the AHV number is stored for all those employees subject towithholding tax in the Social Insurance Data: Switzerland (0036).

Payroll data is selected in accordance with retroactive parameter 'FR'.That is, all payroll results are evaluated that were created in thereporting period. They are displayed in the list with the employmentperiod for which they were created. This ensures that you do not loseany payroll results even if changes are made with retroactive effect,and that the results are displayed clearly for the withholding taxoffice.

The report creates the following two lists or a file:

  • The control list that is displayed interactively in the SAP List Viewer
  • (ABAP List Viewer) allows you to make many individual modifications. Forexample, sorting or hiding of individual columns, filter functions, andgroup totals. For the electronic withholding tax accounting, you canselect other parameters such as Test Runor Type of Message
    in the Additional Options File Output for Canton VD (EMP-IS)area.
    This list is for internal control purposes. For example, you can createa list of all combinations.
    • Withholding tax in SAPscript format. You send this list to cantonal
    • withholding tax offices.
      For best results, print the list on a Postscript printer, HP LaserJetprinter, or compatible printer.
      • Withholding tax accounting as an XML file for the Canton of Vaud. You
      • can use the B2A Manager to:
        Download the file
        Display the file
        The lists are grouped by the following criteria:
        Payroll unit, tax liability, tax canton, tax municipality.
        At the end of a control level, a recapitulation with subtotal andpayment fee is displayed.
        A line of withholding tax data is printed per payroll period for eachemployee who is liable to withholding tax. If a reporting period hasmore than one payroll period, a totals column is also printed for eachemployee.
        If data changes because of a retroactive change to the withholding taxscale that becomes effective sometime outside the reporting period, thesystem displays a line containing the old result with the commentReversed (with a negative sign), and the new corrected resultwith the comment Correction (with a positive sign).
        Withholding tax arrears payments that are subsequently entered manuallydue to instructions from the tax office are displayed in a separate linewith the comment Arrears.
        Each line contains the following data:
        • Employee's AHV number, last name, and first name.

        • Residence canton and place of residence, read from infotype 0006. The
        • residence canton and place of residence do not have to match the taxcanton and tax municipality if the latter are determined in accordancewith the work location.
          • Employment period.

          • Mutation data: if an employee enters or leaves the company, changes
          • canton, or changes tax liability, indicators 'E' or 'A' are output. Ifthe rate changes, the indicator 'TW' is output.
            • Gross pay, bonuses/incidental benefits, rate and tax amount are
            • determined on the basis of the employee's payroll data. The total resultis calculated by adding gross pay to the bonuses/incidental benefits.
              • If no rate is specified for the payroll period, the number of children
              • is derived from the number of child bonuses.

1661000QST VD: EMP-ACI: Anzahl zulageberechtigter Kinder
1634884WHT VD:EMP ACI: Start date of notif. incorr/gross negative
1618194WhTx: Output of cantonal withholding tax scale code in payr.
1031994QST VD:EMP ACI: Several corrections
1603922WHT accntng: Runtime err 'SUM_OVERFLOW', fld 'QSPRO_MON_DEC'
1617886WHT VD/GE(ISEL): Invalid value for date of birth in XML
1615905Short text missing for error messages 5C 258 and 5C 259
1610664Wthldg tx VD: LR error, change of child benefit to tng bonus
1610858WHT VD: EMP-ACI: New event "Veuvage"
1610854WHT VD: EMP-ACI: Productive notification despite error
1605572WHT VD: EMP-ACI: Municipality number missing in XML file
1591911WHT: Canton of Vaud, duplicate data records for one person
1590011QST VD: EMP ACI: Field "montantCommission" in LC invalid
1583383Withhold. tax: Control for output of canton of place of work
1572850Withholding tax accounting: Printing work center canton
1572660WHT VD: MP ACI: "NoSequenceDecompte" XML field is incorrect
1572654Withholding tax Vaud: EMP ACI:Error in namespace of XML file
1517389Advance notice of fiscal year change 2010/2011 Switzerland
1511697Withholding tax for Vaud EMP-ACI: Certification complete
1525946Fiscal yr chg 2010/2011: Withholding tax acctg for canton BS
1484263QST: Delivery canton of Vaud EMP-ACI
1445231Advance notice: Withholding tax for canton of Vaud - EMP-ACI
1429199ISEL: New cumultn wage types for gross and non-perdc pyments
1238107New AHV no: Customizing adjustment for WT accounting for BL
1234939New AHV no.: new AHV no. in WHT accounting and Zurich rule
1173058WHT VD (EMP-IS): Social insurance number in XML file
1151730New AHV number: WHT accounting with date of birth
1135612Advance notice: Changes for "New AHV Number"
1106625WHT: New report/Customizing for cross-border employee France
1093585QST VD(EMP-IS):Withholding tax calc. - poor performance
1058951WTax VD(EMP-IS): Employee tax ref no. missing from XML file
1077991WTxa VD(EMP-IS):Error if WTax amount/percent without rate
1028212WHT VD: Electronic communication with tax office (EMP-IS)
209937HR-CH:W/tax accnting shows incorrect tax liability