Programme SAP RPLQDRU0 - US Savings Plan QDRO Beneficiary List

US Savings Plan QDRO Beneficiary List

This report compiles a list of all qualified domestic relationsorder (QDRO) beneficiaries that have been assigned to a givenemployee within a given benefit area and plan.
Each beneficiary named in this list is a former spouse of the employee.By court order, each beneficiary is entitled to receive a portion ofthe total benefit that has cumulated for that employee under thebenefit area and plan indicated in the output of the report.
Both the amount awarded to each QDRO beneficiary and the basis ofpayment depend upon the judgment of each presiding court.

Employee Pat Smith has two former spouses, Alex Baker andChris Jones. The first former spouse, Baker, has been awarded alump sum of $10,000 under benefit plan 401K in benefit areaUS. The second former spouse, Jones, has been awarded a lump sumof $5,000 under benefit plan 401K and a lump sum of $7,000 underbenefit plan PENS, both in benefit area US.
Upon running the QDRO Beneficiary List for Smith under plan PENS
, only the award for Jones will be listed. However, if the list isrun for Baker under plan 401K, the awards for both formerspouses will be listed. To view an example of the QDRO Beneficiary Listfor Pat Smith under benefit plan 401K, refer to the end of thisdocument.

Since QDRO awards occur on the basis of benefit plans, at least onebenefit plan must exist in your enterprise before this report can berun. Moreover, any employee whose former spouse is to receive a QDROaward must be enrolled in at least one of the benefit plans offered byyour enterprise.
To this end, before running this report, maintain the Benefit plan
in Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans) for all affected employees.
In addition to Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans), you must maintainentries in Infotype 0566 (US Pension Plan QDRO Information
) for all affected employees. This infotype stores all informationpertinent to QDRO cases, including:

  • QDRO case particulars

  • Docket number and award date
    • Contact information

    • Court and attorney information
      • Benefit plan

      • Benefit amount

      • Benefit basis

      • Annually, quarterly, monthly, or as a lump sum or percent
        Lastly, since qualified domestic relations orders are exclusivelyawarded to former spouses of employees, all QDRO beneficiaries arerequired to have a record in Infotype 0021 (Family/Related Person
        ), subtype 10 (Divorced spouse). Among other importantdata, this record contains the beneficiary's name, social securitynumber, and contact information.
        Any QDRO beneficiary not recorded as a Divorced spouse (viasubtype 10 of Infotype 0021) will be overlooked by this report.

        To run the QDRO Beneficiary List, perform the following steps:
        In Infotype 0169 (Savings Plans), enter the benefit plan forwhich you would like to generate a list of QDRO beneficiaries.
        Select the Beneficiaries tabstrip, then the QDRO Listfunction button.
        After you select this function button, the system will automaticallyexecute the report. The data stored in Infotypes 0021, 0169 and 0566will be compiled to form a list of QDRO beneficiaries for the selectedemployee under the selected benefit plan. After the system executes thereport, one of two outcomes will follow.
        If no qualified domestic relations orders exist for the employee underthe selected benefit plan, then the system will issue the followingmessage:
        No QDRO list in selection period.
        If qualified domestic relations orders are present for the employee,then the system will generate a list of all QDRO beneficiaries withinthe selected benefit plan.
        The QDRO Beneficiary List is preceded by a header, which lists thetechnical name of the report, the date and time ofgeneration, the name and personnel number of theemployee, and the selected benefit area and plan.
        The output of the report is divided into six columns: the nameand Social security number of the QDRO beneficiary, theamount, currency, and basis of the award, and thedate that the award took place.

        If you are in the QDRO Beneficiary List screen and if you would like toreview the record of any given beneficiary within subtype 10 ofInfotype 0021, select that beneficiary, then the function buttonlabeled IT 21 at upper right. Similarly, if you would like toreview the record of the QDRO Beneficiary in Infotype 0566, select theIT 566 function button.

        The following example demonstrates a typical QDRO Beneficiary List.

        QDRO beneficiary list
        Report ID: RPLQDRU0
        Date & Time: 06/01/1999 11:43:29
        Employee name: Pat Smith
        Personnel no.: 77777777
        Benefit area: US
        Benefit plan: 401K
        Name SSN Amount Curr. Basis AwardDate
        Alex Baker 999-99-9999 10,000.00 USD Lump Sum 07/01/1997
        Chris Jones 888-88-8888 7,000.00 USD Lump Sum 01/01/1999

936642IT0169:Amount & basis period of QDRO list are not displayed