Programme SAP RPLPFD00FIIF - HR-PF: FI Interface - Create Posting Run

Report FI Interface - Generate Posting Run (RPLPFD00FIIF)generates posting documents for Accounting.
You can run this report to check if any data has been found that isrelevant to posting and to determine if the balance of documents hascleared.


  • Selections of the logical database.

  • If necessary, restrict the number of personnel numbers to be reported.
    • Pension fund selection

    • You can restrict reporting to specific pension funds.
      • Run Attributes group box

      • You can specify the following run attributes for the report:
        Test run (T)
        Simulation run (S)
        Update run (P)
        In the test run no documents are generated. The system onlydisplays data that is to be reported.
        The simulation run generates documents but they cannot be postedto Accounting. Processed postings from the individual PF accounts arenot changed.
        In the update run, documents are generated that can be posted toAccounting. Postings in the individual accounts are highlighted astransferred and are not reported again. An update run needswrite authorization for the individual PF accounts.
        Checkbox Output Log: see Output.
        Input field Text on Posting Run: in this field you can enter atext on the posting run.
        • Posting date

        • The posting date in the FI document can be determined from the postingdate of the value type in the individual PF account, or you can specifyit on the selection screen.

          Output is dependent on the log setting:

          • If you select the Select Log checkbox, the postings that have
          • been processed for each personnel number are displayed individually.
            • If you do not select the Select Log checkbox, the system only
            • displays status information.